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作者(外文):Lin, Po-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Grassroots Under Pressure: The Local Resilience of Environmental NGOs in China
指導教授(外文):Lin, Thung-Hong
Hsu, Szu-Chien
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chih-Jou
Wang, Hsin-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:local social capitallocal resilienceenvironmental NGOsstate-society relations
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  本文擷取社會資本文獻對於公共生活現象的解釋,並嘗試聚焦分析過程中的「空間感」,提出環境NGO之於在地的「信任、知識、文化認同」,將構成其所擁有的「在地社會資本」(local social capital),又根據關係的強度和網絡的組成形態分為牽絆式、橫跨式、縱連式三類。本文假設,擁有良好在地社會資本的環境NGO,能夠更好地維持自身能力與爭取稀缺的公共資源,保障組織的生存與可持續的綠色行動,發揮「在地韌性」(local resilience)。
Since the establishment of Friends of Nature in 1994, grassroots environmental NGOs in China have become a force to be reckoned with. Existing scholarship has mainly focused on NGOs dedicated to national policy advocacy, closely cooperated with international partners, and are characterized by good reputation and high-profile strategy. Some of them even employ implied political confrontation. Scholars have considered factors that relate to the development of environmental NGOs in China, such as political opportunity structure, resource mobilization, and world polity. Most of the existing evidence was collected during the Hu–Wen administration, which had seen some considerable opening toward the non-governmental sector. However, since Xi Jinping came into power, the establishment of institutions spearheaded by the new Environmental Protection Law shows that while the state’s discourse on “greening” continues, the implementation of the Law on Administration of Activities of Overseas NGOs and the Charity Law has been symptomatic of the state’s more refined control and guidance of societal forces. Because of the dynamic changes in the overall situation, it is necessary to reevaluate the effectiveness of the existing theories.
Based on the explanation of the public life phenomenon in the social capital literature, as well as on attempts to focus on the “sense of space” in the analyzing process, this thesis proposes that the local “confidence, knowledge, and cultural identity” connected to the examined environmental NGOs constitutes a “local social capital.” According to the strength of the relationship and the composition of the network, local social capital can be separated into three main types: bonding, bridging, and linking. This thesis assumes that environmental NGOs with good local social capital can maintain their capabilities and obtain limited common resources better, ensure the organization’s survival and make environmental actions sustainable. This is how they display “local resilience.”
Through fieldwork in and comparative analysis of two environmental NGOs, the results of this thesis suggest that downward linking capital is the foundation of the entire local social capital. Rather than chasing funds, reputation, or performance appraisal by the government, environmental NGOs should start to pragmatically, patiently, and carefully build strong local social capital under the existing external pressures. This way, even if the resilience of governance of China’s post-totalitarian authoritarian regime is shrinking, the vitality of environmental NGOs can remain strong and the sustainability of environmental actions can be maintained.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
謝辭 iii
目錄 v
圖表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
 第一節 研究背景與動機 1
 第二節 文獻回顧 6
 第三節 研究問題 19
 第四節 研究設計 23
第二章 在地社會資本的萌芽 30
 第一節 成立背景:從鑲嵌體制走向草根行動 30
 第二節 組織結構:匯集本地菁英,朝向專業建設 35
 第三節 項目設計:草根行動的多元形式 38
 第四節 綠色中國的傳聲先驅:綠家園志願者 42
 第五節 小結與分析 51
第三章 場域互動對在地社會資本的作用 56
 第一節 國家場域:議題框構與策略性結盟 56
 第二節 國際場域:資源引入與調和 69
 第三節 公民社會場域:有利環境的型塑與跨領域投入 81
 第四節 另一種典範策略:怒江反壩中的綠家園 90
 第五節 小結與分析 109
第四章 在地韌性如何發揚? 113
 第一節 抑制或滋養?政策的兩面性 113
 第二節 「後洋奶」與「大公益」時代的多元化籌資 122
 第三節 綠色行動的守成與開拓 132
 第四節 在地缺位的隱憂:艱難發聲的綠家園 140
 第五節 小結與分析 150
第五章 結論 152
 第一節 研究回顧 152
 第二節 研究發現 154
 第三節 研究限制與建議 158
參考文獻 160
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