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作者(外文):Zhang, Jingwen-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Becoming a Vietnamese Student: the Migration and Identification of Vietnamese Students in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shen, Hsiu-Hua
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hong-Zen
Tseng, Yen-Fen
外文關鍵詞:student migrationmigrant identitiesnational identitiesVietnamese students
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There are currently almost 4000 Vietnamese students all around Taiwan. Taiwan as their destination for overseas education also is the destination for a large amount of labor/marriage migrants from Vietnamese in the past few decades. Based on the data collected through in-depth interview, participant observation, textual and policy analysis, this thesis aims to elaborate on the daily lives of Vietnamese students, and explore their changing identities. Viewing migration and identification as dynamic processes, this thesis emphasizes that the Vietnamese students are not only defined as Vietnamese students in official migrant categories but also "becoming" Vietnamese students.
The recruiting channels for Vietnamese students are structured in the specific context of internationalization of higher education and Vietnam-Taiwan relations. However, Vietnamese students embracing imagined modernities who desire to achieve upward social mobility through academic mobility may actually experience downward class mobility, due to the inequality between Vietnam and Taiwan in the global system. Besides, Vietnamese labor/marriage migrants in Taiwan are labeled as inferior others. Vietnamese students probably fall into stigmatized categories of Vietnamese migrants, experiencing the process of "othering", which is especially a gendered situation. Maintaining favored images of international elites, Vietnamese students may demonstrate and perform differences such as lifestyles to highlight the boundaries between other categories of Vietnamese migrants and them. "Passing" as a non-Vietnamese migrant is also a frequently used technique to prevent from discrimination. However, students who draw boundaries may downplay each other’s differences while communicating more with other Vietnamese migrants in Taiwan.
In their transnational lives, Vietnamese students live in a variety of positions more than simply the category of "international students" can describe. When they cross the boundary of nations, the invisible boundaries of nation, class, and gender are appearing and even strengthening. The daily life of a Vietnamese student is such an ongoing process - he/she walking across complicated boundaries in transnational fields, identifying and being identified (as) others while interacting with Taiwanese, Vietnamese, and other agents in a foreign society. In this process, they confirm, resist, or negotiate their national identification. They are not just being categorized as Vietnamese students but also "becoming" Vietnamese and Vietnamese students.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 越南留學生現象與問題意識 2
第三節 文獻回顧 9
(一) 學生遷移 10
(二) 流動中的認同 14
(三) 台越遷移 19
(四) 研究定位 25
第二章 研究方法 26
第三章 遷移:以越南留學生之名 30
第一節 想像遷移:成為留學生 30
(一)求學導向:受教又不僅是受教 30
(二)社會關係:重要他人的遷移經驗 35
(三)探索自我:海外生活的想像 38
第二節 遷移進行時:留學生活 41
(一)工作:我們越南學生在這裡都是要打工的 41
(二)在台越南人社群:我們越南人的教會 46
(三)校園生活圈:交台灣朋友很難 48
第三節 延續遷移:後留學生的移動狀態 54
(一)越生留台政策環境和資源 55
(二)留不留:方向各異的遷移規劃 60
第四章 異同之間:往返多重界線的越生認同形構 66
第一節 你是哪裡人:越南身份的或隱或現 67
(一)你是誰:被指認的越南學生 67
(二)我是誰:隱匿與代表 71
(三)成為「東南亞」學生 76
(四)2014年越南五一三暴動事件時的在台越生 79
第二節 「我來台灣是來唸書的」 84
(一)誤認:你來這邊是結婚是嗎? 85
(二)求異:她跟我們的生活不一樣 88
(三)求同:我們沒有辦法不吃魚露 95
第三節 回望越南:表演、徘徊、歸屬 100
(一)奧黛與春卷:「做」越南人 100
(二)流變的位置,曖昧的歸屬 102
(三)國與家:「當我離開,土地就成為我的心魂」 108
第五章 結論 118
第一節 研究回顧 118
第二節 研究限制與政策建議 124
(一)研究限制 124
(二)政策與行動建議 125
附錄 128
附錄1:受訪者基本資料 128
附錄2:台科大第八屆越南文化節海報 130
附錄3:訪談大綱 131
參考文獻 133
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