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作者(外文):Hsieh, Ho-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Overt Pronouns in English and Mandarin Second Language Acquisition: Evidence from Backward Anaphora and Overt Pronoun Constraint
指導教授(外文):Su, Yi-ching
口試委員(外文):Huang, Han-Chun
Liu, Chi-Ming
外文關鍵詞:backward anaphoraOvert Pronoun Constraintsecond language acquisition
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  • 點閱點閱:83
  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文透過真值判斷實驗(Truth Value Judgement Task)觀察學習中文為第二語言的英文母語者及學習英文為第二語言的中文母語者對於包含「的時候」與「因為」的後指照應句型之判讀方式、二語受試者是否受到顯性代詞制約的約束,及驗證The Full Transfer Full Access Hypothesis、The Full Access without Transfer Hypothesis及Interface Hypothesis三個假說。實驗一、二的結果顯示,學習中文為第二語言的英文母語者對於包含「的時候」後指照應句的判讀與中文母語者不同:中文母語者不接受「的時候」句之共指判讀,但第二語言學習者接受;學習英文為第二語言的中文母語者對於兩類後指照應句型的判讀則與英文母語者相似。實驗三、四之結果顯示中文母語者並未受到顯性代詞制約的約束,二語的第二語言學習者亦都接受句中量化先行詞、疑問詞與代名詞的同指涉關係。實驗一、二的結果支持The Full Access without Transfer Hypothesis,第二語言習得的初始狀態與第一語言相同。
With Truth Value Judgement Task, the thesis aimed to explore (1) how English second language learners of Mandarin and Mandarin second language learners of English interpret backward anaphora sentences with ‘while’ and ‘because’ in both Mandarin and English; (2) are Mandarin and English speakers constrained by Overt Pronoun Constraint; (3) if the results support the Full Transfer Full Access Hypothesis, the Full Access without Transfer Hypothesis, and Interface Hypothesis. The results of Experiment 1 and 2 suggest that English second language learners of Mandarin interpret backward anaphora sentences with ‘while’ differently with Mandarin native speakers. While Mandarin native speakers disallow the coreference readings, second language learners allow. Mandarin second language learners of English interpret backward anaphora sentences similarly to English native speakers. In Experiment 3 and 4, the results show that Mandarin native speakers are not constrained by Overt Pronoun Constraint. Both English and Mandarin second language learners allow coreference reading with sentences containing quantified antecedent and wh- word. The results of Experiment 1 and 2 support the Full Access without Transfer Hypothesis; the initial state in second language acquisition is the same as the initial state in first language acquisition.
摘要 ------------------------------I
謝辭 ------------------------------III
目錄 ------------------------------IV
圖目次 ------------------------------VII
表目次 ------------------------------VIII
第一章 緒論--------------------------1
1.1 後指照應 ----------------------2
1.2 顯性代詞制約-------------------4
1.3 預期--------------------------5
第二章 後指照應 ----------------------7
2.1 第一語言習得-------------------7
2.2 第二語言習得-------------------13
2.3 介面假設 ----------------------16
2.4 小結--------------------------17
第三章 顯性代詞制約-------------------19
3.1 第二語言習得-------------------20
3.2 小結--------------------------26
3.3 研究問題 ----------------------27
第四章 實驗:後指照應-------------------29
4.1 研究目的 ----------------------29
4.2 實驗一:中文實驗 --------------30
4.2.1 受試者 ----------------------30
4.2.2 理解測驗 ----------------------31 實驗流程 ----------------------31 實驗設計 ----------------------31 實驗結果 ----------------------42
4.2.3 語句表達測驗-------------------43 實驗流程 ----------------------43 實驗設計----------------------43 句型歸納 ----------------------45 實驗結果 ----------------------47
4.3 實驗二:英文實驗 --------------48
4.3.1 受試者 ----------------------48
4.3.2 理解測驗 ----------------------48 實驗流程 ----------------------48 實驗設計 ----------------------49 實驗結果 ----------------------52
4.3.3 語句表達測驗-------------------53 實驗流程 ----------------------53 實驗設計 ----------------------53 句型歸納 ----------------------55 實驗結果 ----------------------57
4.4 小結 ----------------------58
第五章 實驗:顯性代詞制約 --------------60
5.1 研究目的 ----------------------60
5.2 實驗三:中文實驗 --------------60
5.2.1 受試者 ----------------------60
5.2.2 理解測驗 ----------------------61 實驗流程 ----------------------61 實驗設計 ----------------------61 實驗結果 ----------------------71
5.2.3 語句表達測驗-------------------72 實驗流程 ----------------------72實驗設計 ----------------------72 句型歸納 ----------------------74實驗結果 ----------------------75
5.3 實驗四:英文實驗 --------------76
5.3.1 受試者 ----------------------76
5.3.2 理解測驗 ----------------------76 實驗流程 ----------------------76實驗設計 ----------------------77實驗結果 ----------------------81
5.3.3 語句表達測驗-------------------81 實驗流程 ----------------------81 實驗設計 ----------------------82句型歸納 ----------------------84實驗結果 ----------------------85
5.4小結 ------------------------------86
第六章 總討論與結論-------------------88
6.1 後指照應-----------------------90
6.2 顯性代詞制約-------------------92
6.3 結論--------------------------93
參考文獻 ------------------------------94

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