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作者(外文):Lee, Pin-Shuan
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of the Inductive and Deductive Data-Driven Learning (DDL) on Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention
指導教授(外文):Lin, Hui-Fen
口試委員(外文):Liou, Hsien-Chin
Huang, Hung-Tzu
外文關鍵詞:Inductive approachDeductive approachData-driven learningVocabulary acquisitionVocabulary retention
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Research on data-driven learning (DDL) has generally suggested that DDL can facilitate vocabulary acquisition (Bernhardt & Ellis, 1993; Gardner, 2013; Johns, 1991; Nation, 2001; Schmitt, 2000) and retention (Craik & Lockhart, 1972); however it still has some limitations: the difficulties and a great amount of time needed to make an inference. A call for a combination of DDL and the traditional teaching approach to compensate for the limitations was proposed (Balunda, 2009; Boulton, 2010; Chambers, 2007; Chan & Liou, 2005; Cobb & Boulton, 2014), but few studies (Kaur & Hegelheimer, 2005; Lin & Lee, 2015) have answered the call. To address aforementioned limitations, the current study combined DDL with the deductive approach employed in the traditional teaching approach and compared the effect of the deductive and inductive approach under DDL context on vocabulary acquisition and retention. Additionally, conflicting interaction effect between teaching approach (i.e. the inductive and deductive approach) and language proficiency was found by few studies (Eriksson, 2014; Shaffer, 1989; Wang, 2002). Because of the few and conflicting findings and the high possibility for vocabulary size to influence inductive DDL learners’ vocabulary acquisition, the present study examined the interaction effect between teaching approach and learners' vocabulary size on vocabulary acquisition and retention.
Twenty-seven (N=27) participants with high-intermediate reading proficiency or above were equally distributed into the inductive and deductive DDL group based on their large or small vocabulary size, and then received the modified VKS delivered as the pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest to assess the acquisition and retention effect of two teaching approaches.
The results showed that both the inductive and deductive approaches were effective to facilitate learners' vocabulary acquisition and retention under DDL context, but the no significant differences were found in vocabulary acquisition and retention between the two teaching approaches. Additionally, the deductive approach appeared to be more efficient in vocabulary acquisition. Furthermore, no significant interaction was found between vocabulary size and teaching approach on vocabulary acquisition and retention in DDL context.
The results that deductive DDL was effective and efficient in vocabulary acquisition suggested it not merely maintained the advantages of inductive DDL, but also improved the limitations of it. EFL teachers are encouraged to adopt the deductive DDL to facilitate learners' vocabulary acquisition.
摘要 i
2.1 Vocabulary 3
2.1.1 Word knowledge 3 What is involved in knowing a word 3 Multiple meanings of a word 5 Collocation of a word 5
2.1.2 Essential elements in vocabulary instruction 8
2.1.3 The Vocabulary Knowledge Scale 9 Studies employing the VKS 11 Limitations of the VKS 14
2.2 Data-driven learning (DDL) 14
2.2.1 Corpora 15
2.2.2 Data-driven learning (DDL) 16
2.2.3 The main element in DDL 18
2.2.4 DDL studies 19 The treatment design of DDL 19 The target of instruction 22 Instruments used to measure effect of DDL on vocabulary 22 The results of DDL studies 23 Limitations of DDL studies 27
2.3 The inductive approach and deductive approach 29
2.3.1 Theories underlying the inductive approach and deductive approach 31
2.3.2 Studies that compare the inductive approach and deductive approach 32
2.3.3 Studies that examine the inductive and deductive approach under DDL environment 35 Inductive DDL approach alone 36 Inductive DDL approach vs. Deductive approach 36 Inductive DDL approach vs. Inductive plus Deductive DDL approach 37 Inductive DDL approach vs. Deductive DDL approach 37
2.3.4 Studies that examine the interaction between learner proficiency and the inductive and deductive approach 38
2.4 Conclusion 39
2.5 Definition of terms 40
3.1 Participants 41
3.2 Instructional materials 41
3.2.1 Target words 41
3.2.2 Word list 44
3.2.3 Guide pamphlet of corpora 50
3.2.4 Instructional manual of COCA 51
3.2.1 Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) 52
3.3 Treatment groups 53
3.4 Treatments 53
3.4.1 Principle to design inductive and deductive DDL groups' worksheets and treatments 53
3.4.2 Worksheets 55
3.4.3 Treatments 55 The inductive DDL group 55 The deductive DDL group 56
3.5 Instruments 57
3.5.1 Pretest, immediate posttest, delayed posttest 57
3.5.2 Vocabulary size test 68
3.6 Experimental procedures 69
4.1 The effect of inductive and deductive DDL on learners' vocabulary acquisition and retention (RQ1) 72
4.2 Exploratory analysis: the change of vocabulary knowledge for inductive and deductive DDL groups (RQ2) 74
4.3 The effect of teaching approach and vocabulary size on learners' vocabulary acquisition and retention (RQ3) 84
5.1 The effect of teaching approaches 91
5.1.1 Differences in the effect of the inductive and deductive approach on vocabulary acquisition and retention 91
5.1.2 The effect of inductive and deductive approach on vocabulary knowledge change 93
5.1.3 Interaction of teaching approach and vocabulary size on vocabulary acquisition and retention 98
5.2 Critique of the modified VKS 99
5.3 Conclusion 100
Appendix A The Instruction Manual of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) (English version) 113
Appendix B The Instruction Manual of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) (Chinese version) 116
Appendix C The Guide Pamphlet of Corpora 119
Appendix D The Vocabulary Learning Worksheet for the Inductive DDL Group (English version) 132
Appendix E The Vocabulary Learning Worksheet for the Deductive DDL Group (English version) 138
Appendix F The Vocabulary Learning Worksheet for the Inductive DDL Group (Chinese version) 141
Appendix G The Vocabulary Learning Worksheet for the Deductive DDL Group (Chinses version) 146
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