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論文名稱(外文):Applying FMEA to improve isolator development: A case study of a pharmaceutical factory
指導教授(外文):Chen, James C
口試委員(外文):Lo, Sonia M
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:Isolator systemFMEA modelPIC/S GMP
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  • 點閱點閱:321
  • 評分評分:*****
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本文將以個案公司之隔離操作箱系統探討失效模式及效應分析,分析導入失效模式及效應分析之推動執行與運作績效,以及失效模式及效應分析從系統擴至企業內組織的管理活動,帶給企業的效益及影響。也參考相關文獻及個案研究的方式,期望能在PIC/S GMP規範下,降低隔離操作箱建置成本與操作風險。本文後續之章節將會說明失效模式及效應分析導入模式,再以個案公司實際導入FMEA分析方法後所明顯獲得失效改善之重點,並經由改善措施使得風險優先指數降低,以提昇系統之可靠度,最後則為結論與建議。
The isolator is an enclosure that provides isolation between the operator/outside environment and the interior of the barrier where the antibody-drug conjugates, (ADCs) processing is done. The Compounding isolator will provide containments for mixing and compounding of highly potent materials into compounding tanks.
drugs production need in respectively positive pressure isolator and negative pressure type isolator operation, so the production cost is very expensive, so plan to both types of isolator combined into a single box, it is desirable to reduce the isolator build costs and operation risks, due to the absence of relevant literature and experience for reference, it is in the design phase will begin importing FMEA mode, risk analysis and assessment done and then take to reduce the risk strategy.
This paper will be study FMEA model of this isolator system, and analysis the performance of FMEA model, as well as FMEA model the efficiency and influences for enterprise. Referring to the relevant literature and case studies, follow PIC / S GMP standards, reduce isolator build costs and risks. The following section will explain FMEA model, the result indicated that after applying FMEA to isolator system, the key point for failure has been obviously discovered, and the reliability of system is increased, the final section is conclusions and recommendations.
摘要 i
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究架構 3
第二章文獻探討 5
2.1FMEA歷史與應用 5
2.2風險評估分析方法介紹 6
2.3隔離操作箱系統 10
第三章研究設計 13
3.1個案公司簡介 13
3.2抗體藥物複合體 (antibody-drug conjugates, ADCs) 16
3.3抗體藥物複合體製程簡介 17
3.4 隔離操作箱與支援系統模組化 23
3.5建立FMEA模型架構 25
3.6研究限制 31
第四章研究結果 32
4.1隔離操作箱系統 FMEA 分析結果 32
4.2 預防矯正措施與持續改善 43
4.3 改善前後效益比較 60
第五章結論與建議 66
5.1研究結論 66
5.2研究建議 67
參考文獻 68
附件(一) 72
附件(二) 78

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