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作者(外文):Chen, Chao-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical Signal Processing Unit in CMOS
指導教授(外文):Li, Sheng-Shian
口試委員(外文):Yang, Yao-Joe Joseph
Fang, Weileun
Lu, Michael S.-C.
Dai, Ching-Liang
Chiu, Yi
Li, Wei-Chang
中文關鍵詞:金氧半導體微機電系統訊號處理裝置電容式傳感器壓阻式感測微機械共振器微機械濾波器雙域耦合方法CMOS-MEMS 氧化鈦傳感平台頻率之溫度穩定性垂直耦合設計鎖相迴路主動式陣列感測像素
外文關鍵詞:CMOS-MEMSSignal ProcessorCapacitive TransducerPiezoelectric TransducerMicromechanical ResonatorMicromechanical filterMixed CouplingCMOS-MEMS TiN-C PlatformVertically-coupledPhase-locked LoopActive Sensing Pixel Array
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本研究針對全整合式(Monolithic)微機械訊號處理器之關鍵技術進行開發及特性探討,實現之元件囊括機械式濾波器、震盪器與環境感測器。本論文中提出數種CMOS-MEMS製程技術進行比較,來進一步改善電容式共振元件的性能表現,以裨未來於無線感測網路(Wireless Sensing Network)中所需之頻率選擇、產生,以及感測功能的實現。為了達成上述要求,本研究首先以標準0.35 um CMOS-MEMS平台建置一兼具電性與機械耦合能力的微機械濾波器。相較於本團隊先前所提出之純機械耦合或傳統MEMS之電路耦合式(Parallel-class)濾波器,此元件以後段製程(Back-End-of-Line, BEOL)中的二氧化矽為結構主體(Oxide-rich),使濾波元件可同時具備靈活的電路佈線(Electrical Routing)與非導電性之機械耦合樑(Mechanical Coupler),因此元件可整合電性與機械耦合能力而實現一嶄新之雙域耦合型態。藉此技術的使用,我們可同時實現單端轉差動(Common-mode to Differential, CIDO)或差動轉單端(Differential to Common-mode, DICO)功能於單一濾波器中。其中,適當的機械耦合樑設計有助於元件獲得窄頻濾波通帶,而差動式操作的使用可有效改善頻率響應之拒帶衰減(Stopband Rejection)。結果顯示CMOS-MEMS濾波器之工作頻率座落於8.6MHz,其拒帶衰減大於20dB,並且實現約35kHz之濾波通帶(0.41% Bandwidth)。
為了進一步追求電容式共振器性能的卓越,本研究亦致力於CMOS-MEMS平台傳感機制的改進。以電容式共振元件來說,其性能關鍵在於元件運動阻抗(Rm)大小,以及輸出頻率之穩定度。有鑑於此,氮化鈦複合結構(TiN-C)的概念因應而生,其具備三大特點,分別為:(i) 於各製程段落透過良好的蝕刻停止層(Etching Stop)及製程裕度(Process Window)使元件良率大幅提升(> 90%);(ii) 實現400nm次微米間隙藉以提升機電耦合能力(Electromechanical Coupling);(iii) 利用氮化鈦(TiN)傳感電極來消除電荷累積效應(Charge Effect),同時本研究亦選用適當的結構設計與BEOL材料搭配來對共振元件進行被動之溫度補償。結合上述優點,本研究之電容式TiN-C共振器除了展現高度的頻率穩定度(於不同溫度及長時間的檢測)外,亦具有良好的電容傳感與電路整合能力。
最後,藉由TiN平台特有的高頻率穩定性與良好的MEMS蝕刻區域界定,使MEMS元件及CMOS電路整合的面積小於標準CMOS電路測試接點(100 um×100 um)。並在實際操作上輔以鎖相迴路(Phase-locked Loop, PLL)系統來最佳化感測裝置之相位雜訊(Phase Noise)、艾倫偏差(Allan Deviation),順利將其展延至高解析度「環境感測陣列」的應用。
This thesis presents the versatile resonant-type mechanical signal processors implemented by the standard 0.35 um CMOS platform for MEMS-based oscillator, filter and sensor applications. The first part implements a novel mixed filter coupling scheme which combines the merits of mechanically- and electrically-coupled methods to enable a well-defined narrow bandwidth (NBW) and a decent adjacent channel rejection ratio (ACRR) in a CMOS-MEMS bandpass filter. In the proposed design, a previously-developed free-free beam (FFB) arrayed resonator is employed as a basic resonant tank for the filter concept validation. By the use of several design strategies, including (i) oxide-rich structure, (ii) arrayed design, and (iii) deep-submicron transducer’s gap, the constituent resonant tanks feature small motional impedance (Rm), making filter termination feasible. Furthermore, we also provide the complete equivalent circuit and numerical modeling for such a 4th-order bandpass filter under the suggested coupling scheme. Compared with traditional coupling topologies, the presented coupling concept is capable of achieving significant feedthrough suppression and precise bandwidth control, only at the cost of slight in-band loss. As a result, we report a terminated CMOS-MEMS filter centered at 8.58 MHz with a narrow passband of 35 kHz and a stopband rejection greater than 20 dB.
However, the deep-submicron gap achieved by poly-2 etching post-process cannot be scaled to advanced technology node (i.e., 0.25, 0.18, and 0.13 um). Therefore, a cutting-edge reliable CMOS-MEMS platform for on-chip resonant transducer and readout circuit integration is developed in this thesis with (i) well-defined etch stops and relaxed release windows for high fabrication yield, (ii) narrow transducer gaps (< 400nm) for efficient electrostatic transduction, and (iii) novel titanium nitride composite (TiN-C) structure for dielectric charge elimination and temperature compensation. With the proposed TiN-C platform, MEMS resonant transducers which exhibit low frequency drift over time and temperature (TCf of 0.6 ppm/K from 280K to 380K), excellent electrostatic coupling, and inherent CMOS circuit integration are successfully demonstrated. Worth saying, a modified TiN-C platform is also provided to attain vertically-coupled (VC) structural design with various sensing mechanisms. Consequently, we have implemented a 3-array vertically coupled resonator (VCR) with more than 3-times power handling capability as compared to the general in-plane 9-array counterparts. In addition, the applicable sub-mW capacitive driving/poly-2 sensing scheme offers a 7x reduction on the background floor against the pure capacitive benchmark. All in all, the given TiN-C platform shows a good repeatability and reproducibility on testing and fabrication results.
Particularly, thanks to the high etching selectivity of the suggested TiN platform, the resonator-circuit integration can be very compact. For the active sensing pixel prototype realized in this work, the spacing between MEMS and its associated circuit is only 7.8 um. By multiplexing the phase-locked loop (PLL)-driven oscillators, the chip functionality toward the very large scale integration (VLSI) parallel sensing applications have been presented. For the current demonstration, the Allan deviation (ADEV) of 370 ppb averaged over best 3-pixels is exhibited based on nonlinear operation. Finally, the TiN-C process shows a good balance of all performance indices, which is expected to serve as the main CMOS-MEMS platform in the future to enable high-performance oscillators, filters, and sensors.

LIST OF FIGURES...............................................iv
LIST OF TABLES...............................................xii
CHAPTER 1 General Introduction................................1
1.1 Low-power Connectivity for RF Electronics..................2
1.2 Micromechanical Resonant Units in WuR......................4
1.3 Micromechanical Resonant Units in Wireless Transceiver.....7
1.4 Interface Integration......................................8
1.5 Thesis Organization.......................................10
CHAPTER 2 CMOS-MEMS Technologies.............................12
2.1 CMOS-MEMS Resonators......................................12
2.2 Post-CMOS Fabrication based on BEOL-compatible Layers.....14
2.3 Oxide-removal post-fabrication approach...................16
2.4 Metal-removal Post-fabrication Approach...................19
2.5 Metal-removal based Poly-2 Etching Approach...............22
2.6 TiN-C CMOS-MEMS Platform.................................23
2.7 Summary..................................................25
CHAPTER 3 Modeling and Analogy of Mechanical Resonators......27
3.1 Frequency Response........................................27
3.2 Modeling of One-port Mechanical Resonator.................30
3.3 Modeling of Two-port Mechanical Resonator.................34
3.4 Electrostatic Spring Softening............................37
3.5 Equivalent Motional Parameters............................39
3.5.1 Modification based on Average Deflection Approach......40
CHAPTER 4 Implementation of a CMOS-MEMS Filter through a Mixed Electrical and Mechanical Coupling Scheme.....................42
4.1 Micro-mechanical Filter for Frequency Selection...........42
4.2 Method and Design.........................................44
4.2.1 Traditional Filter Implementations.....................45
4.2.2 Mixed Coupling Configuration...........................51
4.2.3 Consideration of Filter Termination....................59
4.2.4 Physical Implementation................................60
4.3 Experimental Results......................................62
4.3.1 Post-CMOS Fabrication Based on Poly2 Wet-etching.......62
4.3.2 Differential Filter Measurement........................65
4.4 Discussion................................................67
4.5 Summary..................................................70
CHAPTER 5 Fabrication and Implementation of Titanium Nitride Composite (TiN-C) Based CMOS-MEMS Platform....................72
5.1 CMOS-integrated MEMS Platform for Frequency Stable Resonators ..............................................................72
5.2 Why TiN-C CMOS-integration Platform.....................75
5.2.1 Dielectric-Removal Based Approach.......................76
5.2.2 Metal-Removal Based Approach............................77
5.3 CMOS-MEMS TIN-C Platform.................................80
5.3.1 Design Guideline and Consideration......................81
5.3.2 Post-CMOS Process and Fabrication Results...............83
5.3.3 Static Characterization.................................90
5.4 Prospective Implementation...............................91
5.5 Summary..................................................94
CHAPTER 6 Characterizations of CMOS-MEMS TiN-C Resonators....95
6.1 Segmented Analytical Model................................95
6.1.1 Frequency Analysis......................................98
6.1.2 Equivalent Motional Parameters..........................99
6.1.3 Lumped values of the MEMS resonator....................100
6.2 Measurement Results......................................102
6.2.1 Frequency Response.....................................102
6.2.2 Short-term Frequency Drift.............................107
6.2.3 Temperature Stability..................................108
6.3 Discussion...............................................110
6.3.1 Temperature Coefficient of Elastic Modulus.............111
6.3.2 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Residue Stress....114
6.3.3 Non-ideal Geometry Resulted by Post-CMOS Process.......115
6.4 Vertically Coupled and Array Design......................117
6.4.1 Background.............................................118
6.4.2 Vertically Coupled Resonator (VCR).....................118
6.5 Summary.................................................127
CHAPTER 7 TiN-C Based Oscillating Active Pixel Array........128
7.1 Design of Oscillating Active Pixels......................128
7.2 Fabrication Issues.......................................131
7.2.1 Non-uniform Etching....................................132
7.2.1 Polymer Re-deposition..................................133
7.3 Device Characterizations.................................134
7.3.1 Active Pixel Array.....................................136
7.4 Summary..................................................140
CHAPTER 8 Conclusions and Future Work.......................141
8.1 Achievements.............................................141
8.2 Future Research Directions...............................143
8.2.1 CMOS-MEMS Oscillator based on Vertically-coupled Arrayed Resonator....................................................143
8.2.2 CMOS-MEMS Monolithic Resonant Sensing Pixel Array......144
PUBLICATION LIST.............................................163
A. Journal Papers (1st author: 3)............................163
B. Conference Proceedings (1st author: 5)....................163

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