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作者(外文):Shih, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Type-IV Assembly Line Balancing Problem in Footwear Manufacturing
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chien-Liang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yin-Yann
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:line balancinggenetic algorithmfootwear manufacturingstitching lines
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:175
  • 評分評分:*****
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隨著世界人口逐漸增長,作為生活必需品的鞋子,其市場價值也正在逐漸成長中,但由於鞋業屬於勞力密集型產業,並且有許多種不同的產品類型,在生產過程中經常需要符合多樣化但少量生產的目標,常導致產品製造程序改變,換線需求頻繁。本研究針對製鞋廠針車線製程發展基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)求解工序、人員與機器安排生產線平衡型IV問題,藉由提高同一工作站內工序間的關係,並縮小工作站數,以達到生產線平衡,並妥善分配各工作站所需資源,進而減少製程人力需求,提升生產效率。
Footwear manufacturing is a traditional labor intensive industry with many kinds of product types and production process. The manual operations in footwear stitching line are hardly replaced by automatic machines and orders from consumer are regularly large variety of products with low-volume. The redesign of lines is required frequently because of the changes of production process.
In this research, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve Type-IV Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP-IV) which aims to maximize relationship between assigned tasks in one workstation and reach minimal number of workstations simultaneously. According to the real case of limited resources, data are collected from a footwear manufacturing company in South China for comparison of simple and complex models. An approach of design of experiments is applied to evaluate the performance of combinations for genetic parameters and manufacturing system parameters. After experiments, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is implemented for analyzing the results. This research can provide footwear industry for dealing with task assigning problem with constrained labors and machines and is capable of improving production efficiency.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Contents IV
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter1: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 3
1.3 Research Method 3
1.4 Organization of Thesis 5
Chapter2: Literature Review 6
2.1 Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP) 6
2.2 Assembly Line Balancing Problem Type IV (ALBP-IV) 9
2.3 Genetic Algorithm 11
Chapter3: Problem Definition 14
3.1 Problem Statement 14
3.2 Notations and Assumptions 19
3.3 Problem Formulation 21
Chapter4: Solution Method 25
4.1 ALBP-IV Solution Module 25
4.2 Genetic Algorithms Approach 26
4.2.1 Encoding 27
4.2.2 Decoding 29
4.2.3 Fitness Evaluation 35
4.2.4 Initial Population 36
4.2.5 Selection 36
4.2.6 Crossover 36
4.2.7 Mutation 37
4.2.8 Termination 38
Chapter5: Computational Study 39
5.1 Illustrated Example 39
5.2 Experimental Design Case 47
5.3 GA Parameter Setting 50
5.3.1 Result of GA parameter setting for simple case 51
5.3.2 Result of GA parameter setting for complex case 56
5.4 System Parameter Setting 60
5.4.1 Result of system parameter setting for simple case 61
5.4.2 Result of system parameter setting for complex case 63
Chapter6: Conclusion 66
Reference 68
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