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論文名稱(外文):Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Bi- and Tri-antennary N-Glycans and Their Mimics
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Wang, Sheng-Kai
Mong, Kwok-Kong
Liang, Chien-Fu
Yu, Ching-Ching
外文關鍵詞:N-glycansEnzymatic SynthesisMimicSiglec-7Sialylation
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第二章討論了復合型bi-antennary N-Glycan合成相關的挑戰,並著重於復合型bi-antennary N-Glycan及其類似物的化學酵素合成。在本章中,我們報導了簡化型複合型pseudo N-Glycan的合成,作為天然複合型N-Glycan的替代物。通過銅催化的疊氮化物-炔烴[1,3]-雙極環加成(CuAAC)反應合成具有各種可能的天然/非天然修飾的雙觸角醣體,其含有具有/不具有岩藻糖的單/雙唾液酸化。還合成了相應的天然N-Glycan進行比較。通過對結構核心-五醣化合物25進行修飾來化學合成天然N-Glycan。非還原末端通過半乳糖基化延伸,然後通過摻入糖核苷酸再生系統進行唾液酸化或聚-LacNAc。評估這些聚醣的Siglec-7結合,並在第4章討論它們的結合分析。
在我的第四章中,我們試圖證明我們的概念,即假N-聚醣可以真實地模擬相應的天然存在的N-Glycan特徵。基於聚醣微陣列的結合測定顯示Silgec-7結合取決於連接以及與倒數第二個半乳糖連接的唾液酸的數量。約束偏好順序為α(2,3) ≤ α(2,6) < α(2,3)α2,8)≅α(2,6)α(2,8) ≅ α(2,3)α(2,6) 觀察到- 鍵。首次發現雙觸角分支是針對Siglec-7Fc的高親和力結合的最佳間隔。該研究證明了Siglec-7對複合型N-醣體的結合偏好。
N-Glycan-protein interactions play important roles in numerous physiological and immunological events including cancer. To explore the role of complex type N-glycans in various biological process and their application in the field of glycobiology for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, pure homogenous samples of these oligosaccharides are required. However, synthesis of complex type N-glycans by chemical or chemoenzymatic routes are laborious and requires multiple steps to achieve desired glycans. Based on rationale that many bioactive oligosaccharides display countless structural complexity and only small terminal portion of these structures are usually recognized by their receptors while the residual portion seems to act as a scaffold, which orients the binding elements in the suitable conformation and provides linkage/anchor to the aglycan. Thus in this study, we report the synthesis of simplified structure of complex type N-glycans (pseudo-N-glycans) as a substitute for naturally occurring complex type N-glycans. To prove our concept, microarray binding assay is used to compare the binding pattern between the natural and pseudo-glycans. Furthermore, through the binding assay, we demonstrate the first report on Siglec-7 binding preference towards complex type N-glycans.
Chapter two addresses the challenges associated with synthesis of complex type bi-antennary N-glycans, and focused on the chemoenzymatic synthesis of complex type bi-antennary N-glycans and their mimics. In this chapter we report the synthesis of simplified structure of complex type pseudo-N-glycans as a substitute for naturally occurring complex type N-glycans. Bi-antennary glycans with various possible natural/unnatural modifications, containing mono- or disialylation with/without fucose were synthesized by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne [1,3]-dipolar cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction. The corresponding naturally occurring N-glycans counterparts were also synthesized to compare the extent of mimicry. Natural N-glycans were synthesized chemoenzymatically by performing modifications on a core-pentasacchairde 25, which was assembled by chemical means. The nonreducing end of glycan was extended with galactosylation followed by sialylation or poly-LacNAc by incorporation of sugar nucleotide regeneration system. These glycans were evaluated for Siglec-7 binding and their binding analyses were discussed in Chapter 4.
In the third chapter, we focused on the synthesis of complex type tri-antennary N-glycan mimic (pseudo-N-glycan) by CuAAC as an alternate of natural complex type tri-antennary N-glycans. Tri-antennary glycans with various possible natural/unnatural modifications containing mono or di-sialylation were synthesized. We also synthesized their naturally occurring N-glycan counterparts to compare the extent of mimicry. Natural glycans were also synthesized chemoenzymatically by incorporation of sugar nucleotide regeneration system to efficiently extend the glycan chain at the nonreducing end of the glycan with galactosylation followed by sialylation or poly-LacNAc.
In the fourth chapter, we seek to prove our concept that pseudo-N-glycans can truly mimic the peripheral representation of corresponding naturally occurring N-glycans. The glycan microarray based binding assay showed Silgec-7 binding depends upon the linkage as well as number of sialic acid attached to penultimate galactose. The binding preference order as α(2,3) ≤ α(2,6)< α(2,3)α(2,8) ≅ α(2,6)α(2,8) ≅ α(2,3)α(2,6)-linkage was observed. The bi-antennary branching was found to be optimal spacing for high affinity binding against Siglec-7 Fc. This study demonstrate the first report of Siglec-7 binding preference towards complex type N-glycans.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
Table of contents vii
List of figures x
List of schemes xii
List of tables xiii
Abbreviations xiv
Chapter 1. Introduction. 1
1.1. General introduction to glycans. 1
1.2. Major classes of glycoconjugates. 2
1.3. N-glycans. 3
1.4. Sialic Acid. 6
1.5. Siglecs. 8
1.6. General introduction to oligosaccharide synthesis. 13
1.6.1. Chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides. 13 Protecting groups. 14 Glycosylation methods. 15
1.6.2 Enzymatic synthesis. 19
1.7. Copper (I) catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). 21
1.7.1. Mechanism of CuAAC. 23
1.8. A general introduction to glycan microarray. 24
1.9. Objectives of thesis. 26
Chapter 2. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of biantennary N-glycans and their mimic. 28
2.1. Bi-antennary N-glycans. 28
2.2. Synthesis of N-glycans 29
2.2.1. Convergent chemical synthesis. 29
2.2.2. Semisynthesis strategy. 30
2.2.3. Chemoenzymatic synthesis strategy. 32 Enzymatic synthesis strategies. 32
2.3. Oligosaccharide mimic. 34
2.4. Research goals. 35
2.5. Result and discussion. 36
2.5.1 Synthesis of pseudo-N-glycans. 38
2.5.2 Synthesis of natural bi-antennary N-glycans. 43 Synthesis of intermediate building blocks 45 Synthesis of trisaccharide. 48 Synthesis of pentasaccharide. 51 Chemoenzymatic extension of N-glycans. 52 Sugar nucleotide regeneration for LacNAc synthesis. 54 Sugar nucleotide regeneration for Sialylation. 56 Sugar nucleotide regeneration for fucosylation. 60
2.6. Conclusion. 61
2.7. Experimental Section. 62
2.7.1. Materials and methods. 62
2.7.2 General enzyme overexpression. 63
2.7.2 General synthesis procedures. 64 General CuAAC reaction protocol. 64
Method A: CuAAC under microwave condition. 64
Method B: CuAAC by using Cu(I) stabilizing reagent. 64 General NHBoc deprotection protocol. 65 OPME protocol for β(1,4)-Galactosylation catalyzed by NmGalT. 65 General UDP-Gal regeneration protocol for LacNAc synthesis. 66 General UDP-GlcNAc regeneration protocol for LacNAc synthesis. 66 General CMP-Neu5Ac regeneration protocol. 67 General GTP-Fuc regeneration protocol. 67 General OPME protocol for α(2,8)-Sialylation catalyzed by Cst-II. 68
2.7.3. Synthesis procedures and characterization. 69
Chapter 3. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of complex type tri antennary N-glycan derivatives. 110
3.1. Introduction to N-glycans and their branching. 110
3.2. Synthesis of tri-antennary N-glycans. 112
3.3. Research goals 117
3.4. Result and discussion. 117
3.4.1 Synthesis of tri-antennary pseudo-N-glycans. 119
3.4.2 Synthesis of natural complex type tri-antennary N-glycans. 122 Enzymatic LacNAc extension of triantennary N-glycans. 126 Enzymatic sialylation of triantennary N-glycans. 128
3.5. Conclusion. 129
3.6. Experimental section. 130
3.6.1. General protocol for CuAAC by using Cu(I) stabilizing reagent. 130
3.6.2. General NHBoc deprotection protocol. 130
3.6.3. General UDP-Gal regeneration protocol for LacNAc synthesis. 131
3.6.4. General UDP-GlcNAc regeneration protocol for LacNAc synthesis. 131
3.6.5. General CMP-Neu5Ac regeneration protocol. 132
3.6.6. Synthesis procedures and characterization. 133
Chapter 4. Binding assay for Siglec-7. 157
4.1. Introduction. 157
4.2. Challenges associated in ligand identification. 158
4.3. Previous strategies towards synthesis of ligands for Siglec-7. 159
4.3.1. C-2 and C-9 modification strategy. 161
4.3.2. Multivalent representation of α(2,8)-linked di-sialic acid. 162
4.4. Research goals. 163
4.5. Results and discussion. 163
4.5.1. Fabrication of microarray. 164
4.5.2. Binding analysis for bi-antennary glycans. 166
4.5.3. Binding analysis for tri-antennary glycans. 168
4.6. Conclusion. 169
Chapter 5. Future prospective. 170
References. 171
Appendix 190
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