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作者(外文):Lin, Cho-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Structure and Growth Evolution of the Single Bilayer of InSb and InBi layer on the Ge(111) and Si(111) Surfaces
指導教授(外文):Lin, Deng-Sung
口試委員(外文):Jeng, Horng-Tay
Chen, Chia-Hao
Lin, Chun-Liang
Hsu, Pin-Jui
Wei, Der-Hsin
外文關鍵詞:STMXPSTopological InsulatorIII-V material
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蒸鍍大量的In原子在Sb/Si(111)-(2×1)表面上並熱退火到400 ℃。結果顯示表面上會出現少量且平整的(2×2)結構。重複此步驟幾次之後,一整層的單層InSb薄膜將會出現在表面上。利用這個過程我們可以清楚的建立In0.75Sb-(2×2)之原子模型。
在室溫下蒸鍍1.0層的Bi原子在In/Si(111)-(4×1)表面上,Bi原子會直接與下層的In原子鍵結,此結構是Bi0.5In-(4×2)與BiIn-(4×3)。倘若在室溫下蒸鍍1.0層的In原子在Bi/Si(111)-(√3×√3)表面上,會形成三維的In島嶼。在這兩種成長的情況下,當退火溫度都達到460 ℃的時候,表面都會出現In0.75Bi-(2×2)的結構,此結構的最上層是In原子。我們的第一原理計算顯示,In為頂層的In0.75Bi-(2×2)其系統能量是比Bi為頂層的Bi0.75In-(2×2)還低。在室溫下成長0.43層的Bi元素在In/Si(111)-4×1上後,隨之加熱到400 ~ 460 ℃會出現相當平整及少缺陷的In0.86Bi0.43-(√7×√7)結構。若同時蒸鍍1.2及0.8層的Bi與In原子在Si(111)基板上則需要熱退火到較高的溫度( 500 ℃ )才能形成In0.86Bi0.43-(√7×√7)的結構。第一原理計算發現此結構是二維的拓譜絕緣體。
III-V化合物半導體成長在Si(111)上雖然已有許多研究,但初始成長的模式的文獻探討並不多。本實驗中我們研究單層InSb成長在Ge(111)基板上實驗的初始成長機制。並且在實驗二裡發現了 InxBiy-(2×2)有兩種穩定的形式存在於Si(111)表面上,且在460 ℃發生意想不到的相變。我們相信這些研究不論對未來的科學或是材料應用都提供了一個新的思維及方向。
III-V compound semiconductors have the characteristics of high electron and hole mobilities, small band gaps. They are suitable for high speed and low power integrated circuit applications. Among the commonly used III-V semiconductors, InSb has the highest mobility and attracts much attention. Topological insulators (TIs), also known as quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulators, are another popular research topics. Valence band electrons in compounds with a heavy atom such as Bi typically have large spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Group-III compounds Containing Bi, such as GaBi and InBi have been researched and predicted to be the 2D-TIs. With proper lattice rotations on the Si(111) substrate, the lattice mismatches are reduced and GaBi and InBi films can possibly be grown with reasonable quality. Thus, it is worthwhile to search for optimized growth processes which can be integrated into the fabrication of modern chips.
In this thesis, we grow the films of InSb and InBi on the Ge(111) and Si(111) surfaces. We have further employed the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray core-level photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and the ab-initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) to investigate these systems. Our results show that deposition large amount of In atoms on the Sb/Ge(111)-(2×1) surface followed by annealing to 400 ℃ leads to a few flat (2×2) structure on the surface. After repeating the circle process, a single bilayer InSb film covers nearly the entire surface. With STM images, we have also constructed a clearly atomic model of In0.75Sb-(2×2).
Deposition of 1.0-ML Bi on the In/Si(111)-(4×1) surface at room temperature results in Bi-terminated Bi0.5In-(4×2) and BiIn-(4×3) structure, which are stable up to ~300℃ annealing. By contrast, deposition of In on the β-Bi/Si(111)-(√3×√3) surface at room temperature results in three dimensional (3D) islands. In both cases, annealing at 460℃ results in the same In-terminated In0.75Bi/Si(111)-(2×2) surface. Our DFT calculations confirm that the surface energy of In-terminated In0.75Bi/Si(111)-(2×2) is lower than of Bi-terminated Bi0.75In/Si(111)-(2×2). Deposition of the 0.43-ML of Bi on the In-Si(111)-4×1 and the subsequent annealing to 400 ~ 460 ℃ would lead to a few defects and flat film of In0.86Bi0.43-(√7×√7) on the surface. Co-deposition 1.2 and 0.8 ML of Bi and In on the Si(111) surface is found to result in the In0.86Bi0.43-(√7×√7) structure upon higher temperature (500 ℃) annealing. The DFT calculations demonstrate that this structure is the 2D topological insulator.
Although III-V compound semiconductors have been investigated a lot in the last decades, the initial growing models haven’t been revealed clearly. This thesis has addressed the growth mechanism of the single bilayer InSb on the Ge(111) surface. In addition, in the second part, the two stable forms of the InxBiy-(2×2) phases are discovered on the Si(111) surface and an unexpected structure phase transition is found at 460 ℃. We believe that these studies provide a viable direction of the growth processes of Bi-contained III-V compounds and material application in the future.
Chapter 1 Introduction------------------------------------------1
1.1 Background and Motivations-----------------------------------1
1.2 Principle of Topological insulator---------------------------4
1.3 Application of III-V compound Semiconductor------------------9
1.4 Literature Review-------------------------------------------14
Chapter 2 Experimental Apparatus and Methods-------------------32
2.1 Ultra-High Vacuum-------------------------------------------32
2.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy-------------------------------34
2.3 X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS)----------------------38
2.4 Experimental Details----------------------------------------42
Chapter 3 Growth of a In0.75Sb Bi-layer on the Ge(111) surface-44
3.1 The Surface Structure of Preparation of Ge(111)-------------44
3.2 The Sb Pre-layer on Ge(111)---------------------------------46
3.3 Growth Process of In on the Sb/Si(111) Surface--------------50
Chapter 4 Growth of a InxBiy Nano film on the Si(111) Surface--59
4.1 The Surface Structure and of Preparation Si(111)------------59
4.2 The In and Bi Pre-layer on Si(111)--------------------------61
4.2.1 STM Results-----------------------------------------------61
4.2.2 Photoemission Result--------------------------------------65
4.4 Photoemission Study of the InxBiy Growth on the Si(111) Surface---------------------------------------------------------70
4.4.1 The Growth Process of In on the Bi/Si(111) Surface--------70
4.4.2 The Growth Process of Bi on the In/Si(111) Surface--------74
4.5 DFT Study of the In0.75Bi, Bi0.75In-2×2 Structure-----------78
4.6 STM Study of the InxBiy Growth on the Si(111) Surface-------83
4.6.1 The Growth Process of In on the Bi/Si(111) Surface--------83
4.6.2 The Growth Process of Bi on the In/Si(111) Surface--------92
4.6.3 The (√7×√7) Structure by Co-deposition In, Bi on the Si(111) Surface--------------------------------------------------------102
4.6.4 New Growth Process for the (√7×√7)-In0.86Bi0.43 structure on the Si(111) Surface--------------------------------------------106
Chapter 5 Conclusions-----------------------------------------109
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