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作者(外文):Cho, Cheng-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Development of three dimensional high-frequency devices using inkjet printing technology
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yung-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Kao, Hsuan-Ling
Chang, Li-Chun
Cheng, Chun-Hu
Hsu, Hsiao-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:printedflexibleliquid crystal polymerLCPInkjet
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噴墨印刷技術不同於傳統蝕刻製程,具備工業製造之低成本、低汙染及製程快速等優點外,更具備直接將數位化圖案寫入於基板上,同時對於基板的選擇性廣,特別是軟板上的電路整合,以達到整合與封裝的目的。本論文著重於討論以噴墨印刷(Inkjet Printed)技術結合液晶高分子聚合物(Liquid Crystal Polymer,LCP)基板分別實現單層液晶高分子聚合物(Single-Layer LCP)、複層液晶高分子聚合物堆疊(Multi-Layer LCP Stack)及複層噴墨印刷(Multi-Layer Inkjet Printing)等不同架構之高頻元件。
單層液晶高分子聚合物方面透過奈米銀顆粒墨水為金屬層實現操作於26-32 GHz之單層液晶高分子聚合物雙面印刷之串聯式饋入偶極天線(Series-Fed Two-Dipole Antenna),該天線在頻率28 GHz時具有最大增益為7 dBi。
複層液晶高分子聚合物堆疊部分則是以單層為基礎並結合堆疊複層液晶高分子聚合物封裝技術實現不同架構之帶通濾波器(Bandpass Filter)等高頻元件,分別操作於24.8、10.6及11.4 GHz。微型化帶通濾波器最小插入損失(S21)為2.36 dB,反射損失(S11)為36.8 dB。三階帶通濾波器最小插入損失(S21)為1.5 dB,反射損失(S11)大於17.4 dB。寬截止頻帶之指叉帶通濾波器最小插入失(S21)為2.24 dB,反射損失(S11)於頻寬範圍大於12 dB。
複層噴墨印刷除了使用上述之奈米銀顆粒墨水為金屬層外,更增加SU-8聚合物墨水為絕緣材料以實現跨層傳輸線、金屬-絕緣層-金屬(Metal-Insulator-Metal,MIM)電容等元件及不同架構之帶通濾波器等高頻元件,分別操作於13.7、12.7及12 GHz。殘段負載共振帶通濾波器最小插入損耗為3.16 dB。環形共振器帶通濾波器最小插入損耗為2.2 dB。三維髮夾式帶通濾波器最小插入損耗為2.35 dB。本論文將呈現分別應用於不同架構之製程最佳化參數及應用元件之詳細介紹及特性說明。
Inkjet printing technology, unlike the etching process, has been adopted for digital images to direct write layered patterns into substrate. The advantages of inkjet printing are environmentally friendly and fast. Moreover, inkjet printing technology provides wider selections of substrates, particularly integrated circuit on flexible substrates. This study developed inkjet printing to realize radio frequency device on liquid crystal polymers (LCP) substrates, multi-layer LCP stack and multi-layer inkjet printing technologies.
The proposed antenna can be used at a frequency band of 26–32 GHz. The maximum gain of the antenna at 28 GHz was 7 dBi. The bending behaviors of the antennas with and without director elements were analyzed.
The bandpass filters using inkjet printing technology on multilayer LCP were realized with operation frequency of 24.8, 10.6 and 11.4 GHz, respectively. A miniature stub loaded bandpass filter with a minimal S21 value of −1.4 dB at 25 GHz. A trisection bandpass filter was realized with a minimal S21 value of −1.5 dB in passband. The three dimensional interdigital bandpass filter achieved a minimum S21 value of -2.2 dB. Combining inkjet printing and multilayer LCP lamination bonding processes provides inexpensive and compact electronic components for electronic package applications.
A fully inkjet-printed bandpass filter on a liquid crystal polymer was realized by using metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structures and via hole interconnections. We fabricated a miniaturized stub loaded resonator bandpass filter. This filter exhibits a minimal S21 value of -3.16 dB at 13.7 GHz. An inkjet-printed ring resonator bandpass filter was realized with a minimal S21 value of −2.2 dB and a maximal S11 value of −34.2 dB in the passband. The hairpin bandpass filter with two half wavelength lines meandered on two different layers and connected by via holes was presented. The minimal S21 is measured at 12 GHz was -2.35 dB, and the maximal S11 was -17.4 dB in the passband. This study presented the process of inkjet printing technology optimization parameters and performance of the study in detail.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 序論 1
1-1. 研究動機 1
1-2. 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1. 軟性電子研究之現況 3
2-2. 軟性電子元件之製作方式 4
2-3. 基板特性與表面改質 5
2-4. 噴墨印刷技術於高頻應用 8
2-5. 多層噴墨印刷技術 8
第三章 噴墨印刷於單層液晶高分子聚合物基板架構 11
3-1. 實驗流程 11
3-2. 串聯式饋入偶極天線設計與模擬 12
3-3. 噴墨印刷串聯式饋入偶極天線於單層液晶高分子聚合物基板 16
3-3-1. 噴墨印刷指向性天線 16
3-3-2. 有/無指向性對天線之影響 18
3-3-3. 天線之彎曲效應影響 20
3-3-4. 指向性天線的輻射場型討論 22
3-4. 結論 23
第四章 噴墨印刷於複層液晶高分子聚合物基板架構 24
4-1. 實驗流程 24
4-2. 結果與討論 26
4-2-1. 奈米壓痕測試 26
4-2-2. 機械性質之動態撓曲測試 28
4-2-3. 不同壓力對銀薄膜的影響 30
4-2-4. 複層壓合力之S參數特性 33
4-2-5. 噴墨印刷微型化帶通濾波器於複層液晶高分子聚合物基板 35
4-2-6. 噴墨印刷三階帶通濾波器於複層液晶高分子聚合物基板 39
4-2-7. 噴墨印刷寬截止頻帶之指叉帶通濾波器於複層液晶高分子聚合物基板 44
4-3. 結論 47
第五章 複層噴墨印刷架構 48
5-1. 實驗流程 48
5-2. 結果與討論 49
5-2-1. SU-8聚合物薄膜的軟烤溫度與時間之表面形貌比較 49
5-2-2. SU-8聚合物薄膜的厚度比較 51
5-2-3. SU-8聚合物薄膜在不同溫度下的化學結構變化 53
5-2-4. SU-8聚合物薄膜對UV曝光的影響 55
5-2-5. 不同材料的水接觸角比較 57
5-2-6. SU-8聚合物薄膜之電性參數萃取 58
5-2-7. 複層噴墨印刷傳輸線元件之S參數分析 59
5-2-8. 噴墨印刷MIM高頻電容 61
5-2-9. 全噴墨印刷殘段負載共振帶通濾波器於液晶高分子聚合物基板 64
5-2-10. 全噴墨印刷環形共振器帶通濾波器於液晶高分子聚合物基板 66
5-2-11. 全噴墨印刷三維髮夾式帶通濾波器於液晶高分子聚合物基板 70
5-3. 結論 72
第六章 結論 74
第七章 參考文獻 75
論文發表 80
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