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作者(外文):Chuang, Tien-Juei
論文名稱(外文):The New Mechanism of Interfacial Force Based on Turbulence in the Gas-liquid Two-phase flow: Modeling, Experiment and Simulation
指導教授(外文):Ferng, Yuh-Ming
口試委員(外文):Gao, Pu-Zhen
Pan, Chin
Shih, Chung-Kuan
Tseng, Yung-Shin
外文關鍵詞:Two phase flowTwo-fluid modelInterfacial forceTurbulent flowCFD simulation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:185
  • 評分評分:*****
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Two phase flow plays an important role in many industrial field, such as cooling of electric devices, heat transfer of solar cell and nuclear safety system. Among of these application, prediction of phase distribution is a major concern. The two fluid model provides an economic and reliable method for computing the phase distribution in two phase flow. However, the reliability of two fluid model strongly depend on the applied closure model. In this study, current closure model for interfacial forces had been reviewed. A theorical defect of interfacial force model was pointed out that many interfacial forces model was developed with laminar conditions in single bubble system. Therefore, a new mechanism of interfacial force in turbulence two phase flow was proposed basing on turbulence theory and gas dynamics in this study. For verifying the hypothesis, an experiment of two phase flow in vertical annulus pipe was conducted and observed with high speed camera. Also, the flow structure of experiment in the near wall region was measured. With the measurement data, the coefficients of new models were suggested. Furthermore, the new developed interfacial model was implanted into CFD code for model assessment in extensive flow conditions. The simulation result showed a great improvement with the new proposed models. The new developed models provide a stronger theorical base and improved the simulation result. Therefore, it is recommended to applying these models in the two phase turbulent flow for phase distribution prediction.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第三章 數學模型 9
3.1 雙流體模型 11
3.2 介面作用力模型 11
3.2.1 阻力 12
3.2.2 升力 14
3.2.3 壁面潤滑力 16
3.2.4 氣泡變形力 18
3.2.5 紊流消散力 19
3.2.6 氣泡碰撞力 20
3.3 氣泡碰撞力模型之建立 21
3.3.1 氣泡與壁面之間的碰撞力 22
3.3.2 氣泡碰撞力模型 24
3.4 小結數學模型 26
第四章 環形管雙相流實驗 32
4.1 環狀管實驗架構 32
4.1.1 實驗環路之設計 32
4.1.2 量測儀器與誤差分析 33
4.2 實驗結果與討論 38
4.2.1 實驗觀察結果 38
4.2.2 實驗量測結果 39
4.3 小結實驗 40
第五章CFD數值模擬 61
5.1 統御方程式與物理模型 61
5.1.1 連續方程式與雙流體模型 61
5.1.2 雙相流紊流模型 61
5.2 數值模型與邊界條件 62
5.3 模擬結果與討論 63
5.3.1 現有介面作用力模型評估 63
5.3.2 新作用力模型評估 64
5.3 小結數值模擬 65
第六章 結論 78
符號對照表 80
參考文獻 83
附錄一 氣泡碰撞力之UDF 90
附錄二 氣泡壁面碰撞力之UDF 92
附錄三 氣泡變形力之UDF 97

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