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作者(外文):Lo, Hsien-Chen
論文名稱(中文):後進者的轉型困境: 亞洲觀點
論文名稱(外文):Latecomer Dilemma in Transition: The Asian Experience
指導教授(外文):Hu, Mei-Chih
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chuan-Kai
Chen, Pao-Lien
Ho, Hsiu-Ching
Liu, John S.
外文關鍵詞:latecomer dilemmatransitionAsiainnovation systemeco-citytechnology standardization
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有鑑於亞洲後進國家近期在經濟轉型上面臨的困境,本論文旨在探討以下主要研究問題:亞洲後進國家的創新系統中存在何種制度惰性(institutional inertia)使得其轉型成效受到限制?基於此研究問題,本論文共包含三個研究主題。第一個主題透過檢驗東亞國家生態城市的發展模式以及其成效,瞭解影響亞洲後進國家發展新興生態城市的關鍵因素以及永續轉型的困境。第二個主題調查東亞後進國家參與國際標準制定的挑戰,藉此探討後進廠商近年來在獲取專屬性資源的困境。第三個主題聚焦在東南亞後進國家的轉型困境,探討為何新興後進國家在建立自主創新能力時會遭遇挑戰以及如何有效地解決。本論文對於後進國家產業轉型與追趕提供政策及管理意涵。
Given that Asian latecomer countries are facing significant dilemma in their transition towards sustainable economic development, this thesis aims to answer the following primary question: what institutional inertias are embedded in the current innovation systems of Asian latecomers so that the various effects of transformational efforts are hindered? This question has been explored through three research themes. The first theme examines the transformational antecedents of building eco-cities in East Asian countries, in which the emerging approaches used by East Asian countries to develop eco-cities as well as the effects of different approaches in the society are elucidated. The second theme explores East Asian latecomer firms’ engagement in international technology standardization, so that the dilemma of latecomer firms in accessing proprietary resources can be identified and discussed. The third theme is focused on the transitional dilemma of Southeast Asian latecomers, articulating what is their challenge in building up indigenous innovations and how the challenge can be overcome efficiently and effectively. This thesis provides policy and managerial implications regarding Asian latecomers’ industrial transition and catch-up.
Abstract I
摘 要 II
誌 謝 III
Table of Contents IV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Structure of thesis 4
Chapter 2 5
Theme I: Transformation toward an eco-city: Lessons from three cities in Asia 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Literature review 7
2.2.1 The eco-city 7
2.2.2 Performance evaluation of eco-city 9
2.2.3 The 3Es framework 10
2.3 Methodology 12
2.4 Empirical results 13
2.4.1 Penghu Low-Carbon Island in Taiwan 16
2.4.2 Seoul Smart City in South Korea 18
2.4.3 Tianjin eco-city in China 21
2.4.4 Freiburg in Germany 23
2.4.5 Samsø Island in Denmark 26
2.5 Transforming antecedents of building an eco-city 29
2.5.1 Utilizing the national approach and policies 31
2.5.2 Dedicated local public authority 32
2.5.3 Continuous engagement of local citizens 32
2.5.4 Infusion of national capability and business activity 33
2.6 Concluding remarks 35
Chapter 3 38
Theme II: The dilemma of latecomer firms in accessing proprietary resources: Evidence from Taiwan 38
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Literature review 39
3.2.1 Latecomers' engagement in standardization 39
3.2.2 Interrelated structure of latecomer’s standardization and performance 42
3.3 Methodology 47
3.3.1 DEMATEL model and data 47
3.4 Major findings 52
3.4.1 OEM/ODM firms 52
3.4.2 Niche firms 53
3.5 Discussion and conclusion 54
Chapter 4 57
Theme III: Acting as an innovation niche seeder: How the reverse salient of Southeastern Asian economies can be overcome? 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Theoretical background 60
4.2.1 Reverse salients in the multi-level transitional process 62
4.2.2 The pros and cons of the FDI-leveraging catch-up model 65
4.2.3 Lessons from Taiwan’s SMEs: from a mass producer to a niche innovator 67
4.2.4 Reverse salient of SEA latecomers 69
4.3 Methodology 72
4.4 Locking-in the FDI and Internet-of-Thing as an opportunity for transitions 76
4.5 Taiwan’s innovation niche seeder approach and three action-oriented cases 80
4.5.1 Business Models Innovation Research Center (BMIRC) 81
4.5.2 Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs (TRIPLE) 83
4.5.3 Taiwan Innovation & Technology Arena (TITAN) 85
4.5.4 Overcome the reverse salient of SEA economies in transitions 86
4.6 Discussion and conclusion 87
Chapter 5 Conclusion 90
Reference 93
Appendix: DEMATEL Questionnaire 105

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