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作者(外文):Chen, Chih-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Generation and Analysis of Chaos-Modulated Pulses and Period-One Dynamics Based on Perturbed Semiconductor Lasers
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
Huang, Chen-Bin
Shi, Jin-Wei
Juan, Yu-Shan
外文關鍵詞:Laser dynamicsSemiconductor lasersLidarInstabilitiesChaosPulse
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  • 點閱點閱:148
  • 評分評分:*****
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對於寬頻非週期性的混沌態,我們提出一套受光回饋之增益開關半導體雷射系統,產生及分析混沌調製脈衝訊號,得以驅使新穎脈衝式混沌光達之實現。脈衝式混沌光達整合了傳統脈衝式光達與連續波式混沌光達的優點,在符合人眼一級安全標準操作下,能夠大幅提升雷射尖峰功率以實現遠距離偵測,同時保有混沌光達獨特的抗干擾、無混淆距離、及高解析度之能力。藉由全面性的時頻分析與探討脈衝彼此間的相關性,我們發現當雷射操作在高電流調製與適中的回饋強度之弱阻尼震盪情況下,此複合式系統易於產生混沌調製脈衝,並在最佳化操作條件下,以增益開關雷射本質雜訊的0.19互相關係數作為基準,脈衝寬度500 ns的相鄰兩發調製脈衝間,一段長度為218 ns的低互相關性訊號可被有效的使用,驗證其在脈衝式混沌光達之實用可行性。再者,我們亦實際建構一套搭載二維微機電掃描反射鏡之3D脈衝式混沌光達原型機,協同光收發鏡組的設計與調校,成功驗證系統具備達100 m之遠距離測距表現,以及三維影像建構之能力;更進一步與市面上量產產品作比較,脈衝式混沌光達表現更遠的測距能力及更高的精準度。
對於單頻週期一震盪態,基於外部光注入系統可產生具有單邊帶調製及高調頻特性的光子微波訊號,我們藉由引入新穎量子點半導體雷射,產生具有高度單邊帶調製特性之光子微波訊號。實驗結果證明,相較於傳統上使用量子井半導體雷射,量子點雷射的系統能夠大幅提升15 dB的邊帶抑制比。為了深入了解背後物理機制,我們藉由數值模擬分析,顯示本結果受益於量子點雷射所擁有的低線寬增益係數、低光子衰減率及低載子衰減率等雷射本質參數之特性,在光纖微波技術應用上,得以有效提升訊號在長距離光通訊傳輸之效率。此外,由於量子點雷射具有操作在不同能態發光之能力,我們亦延伸探討量子點雷射於不同能態發光下的穩定性分析,透過額外施以外部光回饋作為擾動,實驗結果顯示,相較於較高阻尼速率的基態雷射對於外部回饋光有良好的抵抗與抑制能力,模態競爭激烈的激發態雷射則容易被激發出更豐富與複雜的非線性行為。
The dissertation is aimed at improving the performance in photonic microwave applications with the novel and hybrid perturbed semiconductor laser systems. Due to a rich variety of nonlinear dynamics that perturbed semiconductor lasers possess, photonic microwave signals with diversified characteristics from the broadband aperiodic chaos states to the narrowband period-one (P1) states can be generated. Benefited from the properties of high-speed modulation, low power consumption in transmission, and easy integration, photonic microwave generation based on nonlinear dynamics of perturbed semiconductor lasers has been widely used in existing applications such as remote sensing and fiber-optic communication. For the different dynamical properties of generated signals, the novel and hybrid perturbation schemes for optimizing its performance according to application scenarios are proposed and demonstrated.
As for the broadband aperiodic chaos, we experimentally generate and analyze chaos-modulated pulses for pulsed chaos lidar applications based on gain-switched semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback. Compared to the conventional pulsed lidar and the CW chaos lidar, the pulsed chaos lidars can have significantly higher peak power under the class-1 eye-safe regulation that is essential for long-range low-reflectivity target detection, while it still possess the advantages of no range ambiguity and immune to interference and jamming benefited by the aperiodic and uncorrelated chaos waveforms. Under a weakly damped condition with large modulation current and moderate feedback strength, we successfully generate the uncorrelated chaos-modulated pulses suitable for the pulsed chaos lidar applications by comprehensively investigating the temporal, spectral, and cross-correlation characteristics of the modulated pulses experimentally obtained. With the current configuration, for cross-correlations comparable to the benchmark of 0.19 set by the cross-correlation of the intensity fluctuation on the sole gain-switched pulses without feedback, uncorrelated waveforms with durations up to 218 ns in a 500 ns modulated pulse can be effectively utilized. Furthermore, through appropriate transceiver design and a 2-axis micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) scanning mirror employed, we develop a 3D pulsed chaos lidar system and successfully demonstrate its long-range detection and 3D imaging capabilities. Compared with two commercial lidars tested side-by-side, the pulsed chaos lidar shows significantly better precision and a much longer detection range up to 100 m.
As for the narrowband P1 dynamics, we study single-sideband (SSB) photonic microwave generation with a high sideband rejection ratio (SRR) based on the P1 states of an optically injected quantum-dot (QD) semiconductor laser and demonstrate that the SSB signals have SRRs of approximately 15 dB higher than those generated with a conventional quantum-well (QW) semiconductor laser under conditions of optimal microwave power. To better understand the physical mechanisms behind, the performance of SRR under various laser-intrinsic parameters was further numerically investigated using optically injected QD and QW laser models. The enhancement of SRR in the QD laser, which is important in mitigating the power fading effect in applications such as radio-over-fiber optical communications, can be primarily attributed to a lower carrier decay rate in the dots, smaller linewidth enhancement factor, and reduced photon decay rate. Moreover, since the QD lasers are able to operate in different lasing states, where we further experimentally investigate and compare the laser stability of QD lasers by applying optical feedback as the perturbation. The ground-state (GS) laser is shown to be relatively stable and more immune to external perturbations attributed to its large damping rate, especially at higher bias levels, and is of importance for the development of isolator-free transmitters. In contrast, having a strong modal competition, the excited-state (ES) laser can be easily driven into instabilities and is favorable for applications taking advantages of chaos.
Chapter 1: Introduction..........1
1.1 Introduction..........1
1.2 Outline of Dissertation..........4

Chapter 2: Fundamental Aspects of Perturbed Semiconductor Lasers..........6
2.1 Optical Feedback for Complex Dynamics of Chaos..........6
2.2 Hybrid Perturbation System of Gain-Switched Laser with Optical Feedback..........10
2.3 Optical Injection for Photonic Microwave Generation of Period-One Dynamics..........12

Chapter 3: Experimental Generations and Analyses of Chaos-Modulated Pulses for Pulsed Chaos Lidar Applications Based on Gain-Switched Semiconductor Lasers Subject to Optical Feedback..........16
3.1 Introduction..........16
3.2 Experimental Setup..........18
3.3 Temporal Characteristics of Modulated Waveforms..........20
3.4 Spectral Characteristics and Correlation Properties of Modulated Waveforms..........22
3.5 Dynamical Behaviors of the Modulated Pulses..........26
3.6 3D Pulsed Chaos Lidar..........29
3.6.1 Overview of the 3D Pulsed Chaos Lidar System..........29
3.6.2 Estimation of Geometrical Compression Form-Factor for Transceiver Design of the Lidar System..........30
3.6.3 Demonstration of Long Range Detection and 3D Imaging..........36
3.7 Conclusions..........39

Chapter 4: Single-Sideband Photonic Microwave Generation with an Optically Injected Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Laser..........41
4.1 Introduction..........41
4.2 Experimental Results..........43
4.2.1 Damping Factor Measurement..........43
4.2.2 Experimental Setup for Photonic Microwave Generation..........47
4.2.3 Characteristics of Single-Sideband Optical Spectrum under Period-One States..........48
4.2.4 Comprehensive Comparison on Microwave Frequency and Sideband Rejection Ratio of the QD and QW Lasers..........50
4.3 Theoretical Investigation..........53
4.3.1 Rate Equation Model of the Optically Injected QD and QW Lasers..........53
4.3.2 Four-Wave Mixing Analysis for Intrinsic Parameters Extraction of the QD and QW Lasers..........54
4.3.3 Influence of Laser Intrinsic Parameters on the Sideband Rejection Ratio under Period-One States of the QD and QW Lasers..........57
4.4 Discussion on Stability of the Ground- and Excited-State QD Lasers..........60
4.5 Conclusions..........65

Chapter 5: Conclusion..........67
5.1 Summary..........67
5.2 Future Research..........69
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