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作者(外文):Chao, Wai-In.
論文名稱(中文):社會資本與災後韌性: 九二一震後集合住宅重建之動員、組織與分歧
論文名稱(外文):Social Capital and Resilience: A Study of the Housing Reconstruction of the 921 Earthquake in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lin, Thung-Hong
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chin-Jou Jay
Lin, Kuan-Hui Elaine
外文關鍵詞:social capitalresiliencehousing reconstructiondisaster921 Earthquake
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  • 點閱點閱:117
  • 評分評分:*****
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Resilience is an important concept in the Sociology of Disaster, and plays a key role in post-disaster recovery. Recent trends in Sociology of Disaster have led to a proliferation of studies that consider social capital as observations of resilience. Little is known about the impact of social capital on post-disaster recovery. Housing reconstruction is a major area of interest within the field post-earthquake recovery. The aim of this essay is to explore the relationship between social capital and housing reconstruction in post-921 earthquake recovery. Social capital, seen as a form of capital that produces public goods for a common, is associated with increased positive effect of recovery. However, group solidarity in communities is often purchased at the price of hostility toward out-group members. It is very important when measuring social capital to consider both of positive and negative externalities. This study uses the analysis frame recognized by existing researches that social capital can be classified into three types: bonding, bridging and linking. It also argues the three types would affect the housing reconstruction.

To outline these impacts in greater details, this paper is a case study of 921 earthquake housing reconstruction. Data for the study were collected from UDN (United Daily News) Data, the database of 921 earthquake recovery in Taiwan and the publications of 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation. Statistical results show a positive correlation between the predictive value of reconstruction completed and social capital. Organized social activity and political visitation have a positive effect on housing reconstruction. In sum, this finding broadly supports the work of other studies in this area related to social capital with resilience. Although extensive research concentrated on the advantageous influence of 921 reconstruction allowance. This research has also shown that social capital can play an important role in addressing the issue of post-disaster recovery.
一、前言 1
二、文獻回顧 2
(一)社會資本的混淆之處 2
(二)社會網絡是社會資本的前提,而非社會資本本身 2
(三)重視社會資本異質性的測量方法 3
(四)社會資本與災後韌性 4
(五)社會資本的雙刃性 5
(六)災後復原中的三種社會資本 6
(七)社會資本與921震後集合住宅重建 9
(八)集合住宅的定義 9
(九)影響921震後集合住宅重建的因素 10
三、數據來源和研究方法 11
(一)數據來源 12
(1)政府資料 12
(2)九二一基金會的集合住宅重建資料 12
(3)聯合資料庫新聞資料 13
(4)村里層級資料 14
(二)變項與測量 17
(1)主要自變項:抗爭、組織、訴訟和政治人物勘查新聞數 17
(i)累加抗爭新聞數 20
(ii)累加組織活動新聞數 20
(iii)累加法律訟訴新聞數 21
(iv)累加政治人物勘查新聞數 21
(2)控制變項 22
(3)重建方式 22
(4)依變項:集合住宅落成完工 23
(5)統計模型模擇 24
(三)本文主要研究假設 25
四、統計結果與分析 28
(一)控制變項:脆弱性 31
(二)社會資本 33
(三)重建方式 39
五、結論 42
六、參考文獻 45


圖4.1 集合住宅重建預測機率與村里收入平均對數平方 32
圖4.2 重建完成離921的天數與村里平均收入 32
圖4.3 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加組織活動新聞數(模型2) 34
圖4.4 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加組織活動新聞數(模型6) 35
圖4.5 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加政治人物勘查新聞數(模型2) 36
圖4.6 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加政治人物勘查新聞數(模型6) 37
圖4.7 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加決策政客勘查新聞數(模型3) 38
圖4.8 集合住宅重建預測機率與累加決策政客勘查新聞數(模型7) 39
圖4.9 九二一基金會對集合住宅補助示意圖 41

表2.1影響災後重建的三種社會資本及其案例 8
表3.1 本研究主要變項的資料來源 16
表3.2 根據社會資本類型分類的抗爭、組織、法律訟訴與政治人物勘查事件 19
表3.3 本文主要研究假設 25
表4.1 本研究的敍述統計(1999-2013) 28
表4.2 本研究主要變項的簡單相關數矩陣 29
表4.3 921震後集合住宅重建成功的隨機效應迴歸模型(Logistic regression) 30

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