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作者(外文):Li, Wan-Jhen
論文名稱(外文):Language Learning Motivation, L2 Selves and Intercultural Contact: A Study for International Students Learning Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Huang, Hung-Tzu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Shun-Wen
Hsu, Chun-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:L2 learning motivationintercultural contactinternational students
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本研究採用Dörnyei (2005, 2009)所提出的以第二語言自我形象為架構的動機理論(L2 motivational self system)探討國際學生的跨文化接觸(intercultural contact)、第二語言自我、語言相關態度和中文學習動機之間的關係。研究共募集339位來台灣留學的國際學生參與此研究,他們分別屬於台灣北部的兩所國立大學,本研究採用問卷法,所收集的資料透過結構方程模式來分析並評估資料是否與假設的模式相符。
研究結果顯示整體而言國際學生在台灣的跨文化接觸頻率偏低。大部分的國際學生在台灣留學時鮮少使用中文與當地人或其他國際學生交談,也因此,結構模式中國際學生的中文學習經驗(L2 learning experience)扮演了比跨文化接觸更核心的角色。國際學生對於中文學習經驗的正向態度正向預測了其理想我(ideal L2 self)、是否認同中文為國際語言(attitudes towards Chinese as an international language)及積極學習行為(motivated learning behavior) 。結構模式也顯示了國際學生的理想我除了能正向預測他們的積極學習行為也同時中介了其跨文化接觸、對中文的態度和中文學習經驗對積極學習行為的效果。
Adopting Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System (2005, 2009) as the theoretical framework, the present study concerns the investigation of the structural relationships among international students’ intercultural contact experiences, language-related attitudes, L2 future selves, and motivated Chinese learning behaviors. 339 international students studying abroad at two national universities in northern Taiwan were recruited and a motivation questionnaire was administered in the study. The collected data were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to examine how well the data fit the hypothesized model.
The findings indicate that overall the international students do not show high frequency of intercultural contact in Chinese even though they are in a second language learning environment. Most of the students rarely used Chinese to interact with the locals and other international students while studying abroad in Taiwan. The SEM model shows that positive Chinese learning experience plays a more central role than intercultural contact in affecting international students’ L2 future self-guide, motivated learning behaviors and the extent to which they value the role of Chinese as a lingua franca. The learners’ ideal self-image also has great importance in not only predicting motivated behaviors directly but also mediating the contribution of spoken contact and language-related attitudes to motivated behaviors.
ABSTRACT (Chinese) i
ABSTRACT (English) ii
Chapter One – INTRODUCTION 1
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 Introduction of L2 Motivational Self System 4
2.2.1 From Socio-Educational Model to L2 Motivational Self System 4
2.2.2 Ideal L2 Self 6
2.2.3 Ought-to L2 Self 7
2.2.4. L2 learning experience 9
2.3 The effects of study-abroad experiences on L2 motivation 11
2.4 Study Abroad, Intercultural Contact, and L2 Motivation 17
2.5 L2 motivation research in the CFL and CSL contexts 21
2.6 Research question 25
2.7 The hypothesized model 26
Chapter Three – METHODOLOGY 30
3.1 Design of the study 30
3.2 Participants 30
3.3 Instruments 31
3.4 Procedures 33
3.5 Data Analysis 34
Chapter Four – RESULTS 36
4.1 Descriptive statistics of the questionnaire items 36
4.2 Validity and reliability of each motivational scale 36
4.3 Descriptive statistics and correlations between the variables 41
4.4 Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis of the data 42
Chapter Five – DISCUSSION 49
5.1 Overview 49
5.2 The effects of international students’ intercultural contact on language-related attitudes, future self-guide and motivated learning behaviors 49
5.3 The role L2 learning experience played in influencing international students’ language-related attitude, future self and motivation 51
Chapter Six – CONCLUSION 55
6.1 Overview 55
6.2 Pedagogical Implications 56
6.3 Limitations and future directions 56
References 58
Appendix 68
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