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作者(外文):Wang, Chao-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Comparing the effects of using augmented reality devices on the subjective and objective measures of mobile phone maintenance tasks
指導教授(外文):Wang, Mao-Jiun
Chang, Chien-Chi
口試委員(外文):Chi, Chia-Fen
Wu, Hsin-Chieh
Chiu, Min-Chi
外文關鍵詞:augmented realityhead-mounted displaydesktop displaymobile phone maintenanceusability evaluation
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實驗一包含30名受試者,需操作三種指引(Google Glass呈現擴增實境、Google Glass呈現維修影片、及紙本)及不同步驟數之任務。結果顯示,紙本的完成時間最短,表現優於應用Google Glass呈現擴增實境,且紙本的使用性及工作負荷分數表現也最佳。然而,應用Google Glass呈現擴增實境則能最有效地減少錯誤數,且在步驟數較低的任務中完成時間表現與紙本相當。應用Google Glass或其他類似的頭戴式裝置於手機維修任務上仍具有潛力,但使用性仍需進一步地優化。
本研究討論應用不同裝置呈現擴增實境於手機維修指引在客觀績效表現與主觀感受是否有差異,並與其他指引方式進行比較。根據研究結果,應用桌上型裝置呈現擴增實境手機維修指引較為適合,桌上型裝置較能呈現較多元化的視覺化資訊,且受試者表示對桌上型裝置較為熟悉。而應用Google Glass呈現擴增實境維修指引則受限於該裝置的限制,呈現的資訊量有限且操作較為繁瑣,反而使得維修複雜化。從結果也發現兩個實驗的紙本具有差異,故不同紙本的設計(例如排版、文字說明、或圖片)也會造成不同的結果。本研究所提出之研究方法與發現,可供相關工作場域或商品化之擴增實境系統參考。
In recent years, the concept of industrial augmented reality has become popular. In previous studies, the related applications using different devices in training, disassembly, and assembly have been proposed. It is attributed to the fact that augmented reality technology can superimpose virtual information on the real scenes, so that users can intuitively understand the situation through the virtual information. However, the augmented reality content presented by different devices may perform differently due to the characteristics of the devices and the environment. This study used mobile phone maintenance task as an example. Two devices (i.e. head-mounted and desktop devices) were used to present the augmented reality mobile phone maintenance instructions. To evaluate whether the augmented reality methods have better usability, other instructional methods were also compared. Based on the gender effect on technology acceptance, both male and female participants were recruited to perform the augmented reality and other instructional methods. Two experiments were used to explore the differences between the augmented reality instructional methods. The main evaluation indicators were objective maintenance performance (task completion time and error counts) and visual fatigue (variabilities of critical fusion frequency and near point of accommodation), and subjective task load and system satisfaction scores.
Experiment 1 included 30 participants, and they operated three types of instructional methods (Google Glass-based augmented reality, Google Glass-based video, and a paper manual) in three types of tasks. The findings indicated that the paper manual method had a shorter task completion time than the Google Glass-based augmented reality method, and the paper manual also received better scores in task load and system satisfaction. However, the Google Glass-based augmented reality method reduced errors the most effectively. The use of Google Glass or similar head-mounted displays to display augmented reality information is believed to be a potential alternative to traditional methods in mobile disassembly tasks, but the usability needs to be further considered.
Experiment 2 included 30 participants, and they operated three types of instructional methods (desktop-based augmented reality, instructional slides, and a paper manual) in three types of tasks. The results showed that the desktop-based augmented reality method received the shortest task completion time and minimized error counts, but the instructional slides also had positive subjective feedback when the task steps were little. And the paper manual used in this experiment had poor performances in subjective and objective measures.
This study discussed the differences in using different devices to present augmented reality mobile phone maintenance instructions by comparing with other traditional instructional methods. The results showed that the desktop-based augmented reality instructional method was more suitable for mobile phone maintenance tasks, since the desktop device provided multiple visualizations, and the participants were more familiar with. However, the Google Glass-based augmented reality instructional method was limited by the device itself. The amount of information displayed was limited, and the operation was cumbersome, which made the maintenance process more complicated. And the results also showed that the designs of the paper manuals (such as layouts, text descriptions, or pictures) caused different outcomes. The findings of this study can provide a useful reference for the application of relevant augmented reality systems in work fields and consumer products.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 工業擴增實境概述 6
2.2 應用不同裝置呈現擴增實境 8
2.3 視覺化資訊設計 11
2.4 工業擴增實境應用之比較研究 14
2.4.1 單一擴增實境系統與傳統方式比較 14
2.4.2 不同裝置之擴增實境系統與傳統方式比較 16
2.4.3不同裝置之擴增實境系統比較 17
2.5 主客觀評估指標 21
2.5.1 近點調節值及臨界融合頻率 21
2.5.2 工作負荷量表(NASA task load index, NASA-TLX) 22
2.5.3 系統使用性量表(system usability scale, SUS) 23
2.6 小結 25
第三章 應用頭戴式裝置呈現擴增實境維修指引 26
3.1 研究方法 26
3.1.1 受試者 26
3.1.2 實驗儀器與材料 27
3.1.3 實驗設計 30
3.1.4 實驗流程 32
3.1.5 統計分析 33
3.2 結果 34
3.2.1 性別 37
3.2.2 維修指引方式 37
3.2.3 任務步驟數 39
3.2.4 交互作用項 41
3.2.5 相關分析 46
3.3 討論 47
3.3.1 性別 47
3.3.2 右眼近點調節差值之變化 48
3.3.3績效表現 49
3.3.4 主觀量表分數 50
3.4 小結 51
第四章 應用桌上型裝置呈現擴增實境維修指引 52
4.1 研究方法 52
4.1.1受試者 52
4.1.2 實驗儀器與材料 53
4.1.3 實驗設計 59
4.1.4 實驗流程 60
4.1.5 統計分析 61
4.2 結果 62
4.2.1 性別 64
4.2.2 維修指引方式 64
4.2.3 任務步驟數 66
4.2.4 交互作用項 68
4.2.5 相關分析 73
4.3 討論 74
4.3.1 性別 74
4.3.2 維修指引方式 74
4.3.3 任務步驟數 76
4.3.4 維修指引方式與任務步驟數之交互作用 76
4.4 小結 79
第五章 討論與結論 80
5.1 綜合討論 80
5.2 限制 85
5.3 結論 86
參考文獻 88
附錄一、NASA task load index (NASA-TLX)—工作負荷量表 99
附錄二、System usability scale (SUS)—系統使用性量表 100

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