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作者(外文):Wang, Pao-Hsiung
論文名稱(外文):Research on Failure Life Prediction and Verification of Fan-Out Glass Substrate Package Design
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo-Ning
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Xian-Zhi
Yao, Da-Jeng
Chen, Chih-Ming
Liu, De-Shin
外文關鍵詞:Fan-out packageglass substratestrainfinite elementdesign parametersimulation model
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下一代電子產品將需要與更輕,更薄,更小的設備的發展趨勢保持同步。 這些設備的物理要求和多功能要求將取決於高密度集成電路(IC)封裝技術,例如三維IC集成,扇出型晶圓級封裝設計和矽通孔設計。 其中,扇出型封裝技術目前是大多數研究關注的焦點,因為它使器件的組裝具有高度的集成度和較小的尺寸,並且具有價格競爭力。
扇出型設計有兩種類型:晶圓級設計和面板級設計,這兩種方法目前已在生產中使用,然在製造過程中,面板級設計有板面翹曲的風險限制,仍需要更多的研究來克服。 Si晶片具有固定的熱膨脹係數(CTE),因此可以通過模擬晶片的預期壽命來預測基於Si晶片的IC的預期壽命。本研究使用熱循環壽命預測來預測雙面扇出型結構設計,也探討考慮不同基板材料用於扇出型封裝技術IC的結構設計過程中的可行性。
在本文描述中,我們製造了一種測試載具,以載具在評估熱循環測試(OBTCT)的壽命,並將所得數據與模擬預測進行比較。 根據這些數據,我們對基於玻璃基板的扇出型結構進行了可靠性預測,以幫助確定這些材料的失效行為。我們使用了有限元素模型,結合Coffin-Mason應變方程式和Modified energy density能量方程式,探討其壽命預估的結果。
關鍵詞: 晶圓級封裝、扇出型、玻璃基板、應變、有限單元法、3D模擬。
Next-generation electronic products will need to keep pace with the development trend of lighter, thinner, and smaller devices. The physical requirements and multi-functional requirements of these devices will depend on high-density integrated circuit (IC) packaging technologies, such as three-dimensional IC integration, fan-out wafer-level packaging design, and through-silicon via design. Among them, the fan-out packaging technology is currently the focus of most research, because it enables the assembly of devices to have a high degree of integration, a small size, and price competitiveness.
There are two types of fan-out design: wafer-level design and panel-level design. These two methods are currently used in production. However, during the manufacturing process, the panel-level design has the risk of board warping, and more research to overcome. The Si wafer has a fixed coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), so the expected life of an IC based on the Si wafer can be predicted by simulating the expected life of the wafer. This study uses the thermal cycle life prediction to predict the double-sided fan-out structure design, and also explores the feasibility of considering different substrate materials for the fan-out packaging technology IC structure design process.
The use of glass substrates is an innovative idea in this research. The advantages of glass carriers are their flatness, smoothness, adjustable CTE, low power consumption, ultra-high electrical resistance and low dielectric constant, all of which make glass an attractive choice for fan-out stack structures. The development of packaging technology will further expand the product integration function of the glass substrate, and the input/output function can be used to directly connect the substrate, thereby effectively reducing the packaging cost. Ensure product reliability, the CTE of a glass substrate needs to be between the Si wafers and printed circuit boards (PCBs). Therefore, the CTE of a glass substrate must be adjusted to reduce and prevent CTE mismatch in IC packages.
In the description of this article, we have built a test vehicle to evaluate the life of the vehicle during the thermal cycling test (OBTCT) and compare the data obtained with the simulation prediction. Based on these data, we made reliability predictions for fan-out structures based on glass substrates to help determine the failure behavior of these materials. We used the finite element model, combined with the Coffin-Mason strain equation and the modified energy density energy equation to discuss the results of life prediction.
In order to explore the simulation results of different designs and the influence of index factors, we explored a series of different design factors, such as the size of the ball pad, the characteristics of the solder ball, the characteristics of the glass carrier and the design of the SBL thickness. By using the finite element simulation to estimate the life of the fan-out package with glass substrate, we found that the stress concentration position is closed to the fracture position of the test vehicle, which means that the failure of the test vehicle can be accurately predicted by using this simulation model, we can estimate the life of the fan-out package structure, and then conduct a parametric study on the model design to predict the best lifespan result. Based on the resulting data, we can establish design rules for fan-out packages based on glass substrates. In the future, we can apply these studies to the design of actual packaged products to reduce actual errors and reduce design time for actual samples.
Keywords: Fan-out package, glass substrate, strain, finite element, design parameter, Simulation model.
1.1 Introduction to Electronic Packaging 1
1.2 Motivation of Research……………………………………………………....9
1.3 Literature Survey 13
1.3.1 Fan-out Packaging Investigation 13
1.3.2 Creep Theory Discussion 18
1.3.3 Global-Local FEM 20
1.3.4 Electronic Packaging Reliability Analysis 25
1.3.5 Package with Glass Interposer Capability 29
1.4 Research Target 33
2.1 Finite Element Theory 35
2.1.1 Linear-Elastic Finite Element Theory...….…………………….…..36
2.1.2 Material Non-Linear Theory.……………..……….…………….....40
2.1.3 Numerical Methods and Convergence Criteria...…….…………....46
2.1.4 MPC Equation……………...……………………...………………48 Connecting Different Types of Units………………………...48 Connecting Different Sparse Grids…………………………..50 Establishing Rigid Regions…………………………………..52
2.2 Hardening Rule 53
2.2.1 Isotropic Hardening Rule…………….………………………….…54
2.2.2 Kinematic Hardening Rule…………………..……………..………55
2.3 Weibull Distribution Method 56
2.4 Solder-Ball Geometry Prediction Method 59
2.5 Lifetime-Prediction Method of Assembly Structure 62
2.5.1 Coffin-Manson Strain-Based Method 63
2.5.2 Modifed Energy Density Method 64
3.1 Thermal Loading of JEDEC Standard 65
3.2 Test Vehicle Structure 67
CHAPTER 4 Test Vehicle Assembly Procedure and OBTCT Experimental Result 69
4.1 Test-Vehicle Manufacturing Procedure 69
4.1.1 Process Flow of Test-Vehicle.………….….…………………………70
4.1.2 The Process Introduction of Test -Vehicle...…………………………71
4.2 PCB Design and OBTCT Results 78
5.1 Establishment of Process Simulation FEM 81
5.2 PCB Design and OBTCT Results 91
5.2.1 Effect of Glass CTE.………….….…………………………......……91
5.2.2 Effect of Different Pad Sizes....….…………………………......……92
5.2.3 Effect of SBL Thickness….......….…………………………......……95

5.3 Multipoint Constraint FEM Validation 101
5.4 3D Simulation Model and Results Discussion 108
5.5 Study of Design Factors to Meet Market Requirements 119
6.1 Conclusion 126
6.2 Suggest Future Work 127

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