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作者(外文):Tseng, Hsien-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Design of Soft Composite Pneumatic Actuators and Robotic Arms
指導教授(外文):Su, Yu-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Shao-Wen
Lin, Kuang-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:3D PrintingCOMSOL MultiphysicsSoft Pneumatic ActuatorsSoft Pneumatic Grippers with Arrays of Bladder and Mesh
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本論文整合了電腦輔助設計程式Solidworks、多重物理模擬計算程式COMSOL Multiphysics、以及數值演算分析程式MATLAB,構建出一套能夠有效分析軟性氣動式複合制動器的流程,估算其受壓力產生位移與力量輸出的特性,並搭配實驗量測驗證其結果的正確性。本論文的目標在設計開發新型氣壓式制動器,以三維列印的外層束套限制內建氣囊的加壓變形,原型的建構過程除幾何設計外,還包含材料的選擇、加工及系統的組裝等,這些工作都能透過上述Solidworks + COMSOL Multiphysics + MATLAB的整合流程分析並優化。相較於耗費數小時到數日的實物製作與驗證,我們已經可以利用上述整合流程在一小時之內,有效評估個別設計的工作表現,綜合評估多項設計方案後再擇優進行實物製作與驗證,如此一來設計開發的週期與相關成本都可大幅縮減。
We have successfully demonstrated the analysis and design of soft pneumatic actuators and robotic arms fabricated using 3D printing and packaging. Composite structures of netted elastomer meshes surrounding PDMS bladders are employed to realize the desired actuation, including contraction, elongation, bending, twisting, and their combinations. In addition, a new type of soft pneumatic grippers with arrays of bladder and mesh are integrated and tailored to yield desired multi-DOF locomotion and force outputs. Inspired by nature, engineers have begun to explore the design and control of soft actuators and robots composed of compliant materials. These actuators and robots have continuously deformable structures that result in a relatively large number of degrees of freedom compared with their hard-bodied counterparts. The key challenge for creating soft machines that achieve their full potential is the analysis and design of controllable soft bodies, while 3-D printing and packaging are used to build the soft machines. SolidWorks, COMSOL Multiphysics, and MATLAB are integrated and employed to facilitate the analysis, design and optimization processes. Meanwhile, prototype characterization are employed to validate and improve the analysis and design process. As such, we can predict the performance of each individual design, and all the information collected could be further utilized by varying deep learning algorithms to synthesize designs with sophisticated functions for diverse applications
摘要 II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 COMSOL多重物理耦合有限元素分析軟體 1
1.3 軟性機器人基礎元件之設計 3
1.4 研究動機 5
第2章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 氣動式軟性肌肉制動器 7
2.2 PDMS之超彈性材料的模型 10
2.3 超彈性材料:Mooney-Rivlin模型 16
2.4 收縮結構的設計與分析 19
2.5 螺旋結構的設計與分析 22
2.6 三氣囊結構的設計與分析 25
第3章 結構的設計與建立 29
3.1 氣壓式制動器概述 29
3.1.1 收縮型結構(Contraction-type)之設計 29
3.1.2 伸長型結構(Elongation-type)之設計 31
3.1.3 扭轉型結構(Twisting-type)之設計 32
3.1.4 彎曲型結構(Bending-type)之設計 32
3.1.5 螺旋型結構(Helix-type)之設計 33
3.1.6 三氣囊整合的機械臂之設計 34
3.1.7 多節三氣囊整合的機械臂之設計 35
3.2 模型建立與實驗製程 36
3.2.1 氣動式制動器元件之設計與製造 36
3.2.2 材料模型的選擇 38
3.2.3 超彈性材料模型的材料參數 40
3.3 量測機制的建立 49
3.3.1 收縮結構 49
3.3.2 伸長結構 50
3.3.3 彎曲結構 52
3.3.4 扭轉結構 57
3.3.5 螺旋結構 59
第4章 結果與討論 61
4.1 收縮結構的應力與應變分析 61
4.2 伸長結構的應力與應變分析 67
4.3 彎曲結構的應力與應變分析 73
4.4 扭轉結構的應力與應變分析 78
4.5 螺旋結構數值分析 82
4.6 三氣囊單結式結構數值分析 86
4.7 三氣囊多節式結構數值分析 91
第5章 結論與未來建議 96
5.1 結論 96
5.2 未來建議 96
第6章 參考文獻 98

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