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作者(外文):Lin, Chun-Yen
論文名稱(外文):Visual communication and mating strategy in the oval squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana
指導教授(外文):Chiao, Chuan-Chin
口試委員(外文):Yang, En-Cheng
Chen, Chih-Shin
Lin, Si-Min
Yan, Hong-Young
外文關鍵詞:Sepioteuthis lessonianavisual communicationmating strategy
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頭足綱動物控制不斷變化的體色與動作來做偽裝與溝通,而視覺溝通對於他們在生殖行為上扮演著非常重要的腳色。在軟絲 (萊氏擬烏賊) 中,不同體型雄軟絲會利用不同的體色與動作來吸引雌性的注意,而不同的交配方式會造成精莢放置於雌性身體的不同位置,進而導致授精成功率上的差異。但是,目前的研究在交配時的體色與動作,且生殖行為上為何會演化出如此多樣的交配方式,仍是所知甚少。因此,為了探究軟絲的視覺溝通與其生殖策略,我們首先記錄了所有從野外與實驗室內產卵場雌雄軟絲交配時的體色變化。生殖行為過程可分為常見的五大類:平行游動、雄性護雌、雄性間競爭、雄性下位交配與雄性上位交配,並總共區分出27種體色單元。進一步分析每個行為下的體色單元時序變化結果顯示,不僅每個行為皆是由數個體色單元所組成,且每種體色單元也會在不同行為下展現。其生殖行為可由特定數個體色單元的組成即可表示,顯示軟絲此體色變化模式為非常有效率的行為溝通模式。另外,我們借由調整配對雄性的體型來控制其交配策略,用以探討雄性不同交配姿勢與雌性選擇對於交配成功率的影響。結果顯示,雄性會快速地改變自身的交配策略以應對雌性的交配選擇。雌性會利用體色變化的視覺訊息以傳達拒絕雄性某特定的交配姿勢,迫使雄性改採另一種策略來成功交配。此外,借由分析不同體型雄性生殖構造來探討在精子競爭層面是否有型值上與雄性交配策略上的關係。目前的研究結果,雄性軟絲無論是在精莢的型值或是精子的大小上,皆無呈現二型性。綜合本結果與前結果雄性可依雌性選擇快速改變交配姿勢,顯示雄性萊氏擬烏賊在生殖策略上具有可塑性。軟絲雄性對於不同交配策略的高可塑性,將使本交配型為一雌多雄的軟絲雄性能不斷的在兩種交配策略中切換,以維持生殖成功率。本研究借由研究軟絲的生殖時期的行為體色、雌性選擇、雄性生殖策略選擇與觀察生殖構造形質,希望能對於頭足綱生物的視覺溝通與生殖策略上有更進一步的了解。
Cephalopods use dynamic body patterns for camouflage and communication. This complex body patterning also plays an important role in their reproductive behavior. In the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana, males of different body sizes use distinct mating body patterns and postures to interact with females, this results in different spermatophore planting sites and fertilization success. However, little is known about the significance of these body patterns in courtship behavior, and the evolution of these mating postures in reproductive strategy. To study visual communication and reproductive strategy in S. lessoniana, we first characterized body patterns of males and females during courtship (i.e., ethogram of distinct chromatic component expression) at spawning grounds in wild and in captivity. Five behaviors were commonly seen among these reproductively active squids, namely parallel swimming, male guarding, male-male fighting, male-parallel mating, and male-upturn mating. Total of 27 chromatic components were identified in these five reproductive behaviors. By analyzing the dynamic body patterning time series associated with each behavior, the results not only revealed that each behavior is composed of multiple chromatic components, but the findings also showed that each component is often associated with multiple behaviors. The present study thus demonstrates that dynamic body pattering, by expressing unique sets of key components, is an efficient behavioral information in communication among individuals in the oval squid. To assess mating success of different male copulation postures and female choices in the mating behavior, we conducted a captivity experiment in which males displayed alternative mating types and the correlation between male mating success and female choice was examined. We found that male squid changed their adopting mating tactics according to female mate choice. This finding suggests that females use body patterns to show their mating preference visually and that males alter their mating tactics accordingly. In addition, we examined the sperm morphology from different sizes of males to investigate if there is any morphological difference in sperm competition. We found that there was no distinct size dimorphism in relation to either spermatophore size or sperm morphology in oval squids. This suggests that males change mating tactic flexibly according to male-male competition and female choice outcomes, thus morphological specialization is not evolved in this species. This behavioral plasticity may benefit the reproductive success of these males and maintain the dynamic stability of two alternative mating types in this polyandrous species. By studying the body patterning, female choice, male alternative mating types, and diverse reproductive structure in oval squids, this study sheds light on visual communication and reproductive strategy of cephalopods.
Abstract ………………..…………………………………...……………………….I
摘要 ……….....………………………..…..………………………….……………III
謝詞 ……….....……………………………………………………………………..V
Contents …………………………………………………………………………VII
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Visual communication in cephalopods 2
1.1.1 Visual communication during reproductive behaviors 2
1.2 Reproductive behaviors in cephalopods 3
1.2.1 Diverse mating behaviors in Loliginidae 3
1.2.2 Female choice in Loliginidae 4
1.3 Sperm competition during reproductive behaviors 5
1.4 Sepioteuthis lessoniana 6
1.5 Specific aims 6
Chapter 2: Quantitative analysis of dynamic body patterning reveals the grammar of visual signals during the reproductive behavior of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana 9
2.1 Materials and methods 10
2.1.1 Animals 10
2.1.2 Analyzing the dynamic body patterns 11
2.2 Results 14
2.3 Discussion 21
Chapter 3: Female choice leads to a switch in oval squid male mating tactics 27
3.1 Materials and methods 28
3.1.1 Animals and captive rearing condition 28
3.1.2 Video recording and image analysis 28
3.2 Results 30
3.3 Discussion 34
Chapter 4: The overlapping reproductive traits of the two male mating types of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana 38
4.1 Materials and methods 39
4.1.1 Sample collection 39
4.1.2 Morphological analysis of the spermatophore and sperm 40
4.2 Results 42
4.3 Discussion 45
Chapter 5: Overall conclusion and general discussion 51
References 54
Tables 60
Figures 62
Supplementary figures 88
Movies 98
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