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作者(外文):Lin, Te-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):The Development and Optimization of the Multi-Beam Laser Interference Lithography System
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Lee, Yung-Chun
Kuo, Hao-Chung
Cheng, Wei-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Laser interference lithographyMulti-beam LILMoiré pattern defects
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在雷射干涉微影技術(Laser Interference Lithography)中,亦分數種實行方式進行微影曝光,其根據先前研究成果中,在進行二微週期結構圖案化定義,其利用多光束干涉微影系統(Multi-beam LIL)之產能比多次曝光系統(Multi-exposure LIL)還要好,因此,本研究進行多光束雷射干涉微影系統設計與開發。
The laser interference lithography (LIL) has two ways to fabricate the 2D periodic structures. The first method is multi-exposure LIL (2-beam LIL with double exposures), and the second method is multi-beam LIL (3-beam interference with single exposure). After simulation results, that research may have verified that multi-beam LIL has significantly better throughput than multi-exposure LIL. Therefore, this research design and develop a multi-beam LIL system.
We integrate multiple theories, including those of optical interference, standing waves, and photoresist characteristics, to create a mathematical model for the LIL process. The mathematical model can accurately estimate the exposure time and reduce the LIL process duration through trial and error.
In addition, LIL is very sensitive to the light source and the vibration. When there is a vibration source in the exposure environment, the standing wave distribution on the substrate will be affected by the vibration and move in a certain angle. As a result, Moiré fringe defects occur on the exposure result. In order to eliminate the effect of the vibration, we propose two methods for eliminating the vibrations from environment and improve the quality of the exposure process.
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1. 雷射干涉微影型式 3
1.3 研究動機與目的 11
1.4 研究方法 15
第二章 雷射干涉微影理論分析 16
2.1 雷射干涉微影原理 16
2.1.1 波動原理 16
2.1.2 多光干涉原理 20
2.1.3 對比度影響 22
2.2 駐波效應分析原理 29
2.3 光阻特性分析原理 36
2.4 完整數學模型建立 43
2.5 實際微影製程與整合理論差異 48
第三章 雷射干涉微影系統設計 56
3.1 系統設計概念 56
3.2 系統元件介紹 56
3.3 多光束干涉微影系統安裝流程 63
3.4 週期性結構圖案設計流程 65
第四章 多光束系統優化 67
4.1環境振動之影響 67
4.2垂直型莫爾條紋缺陷 70
4.3平行型莫爾條紋缺陷 73
4.4 多光束系統之環境振動影響 75
4.5 分析程式與實際振幅的耦合 79
4.6 抑制振動方法 81
第五章 研究結論與成果 94
5.1 前言 94
5.2 理論分析結成果 94
5.3 環境振動改善成果 98
5.4 消除環境振動成果 100
第六章 未來展望 102
6.1 前言 102
6.2 未來規劃與建議 102
參考文獻 105

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