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作者(外文):Lin, Fan-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Fundamentals, Designs and Applications of Functional Plasmonic Nanostructures
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yi-Chou
Hunag, Jer-Shing
口試委員(外文):Yen, Ta-Jen
Chang, Yu-Ming
Kuo, Chun-Hong
Huang, Chen-Bin
外文關鍵詞:Surface plasmon resonanceTime-domain space-domain spectroscopynano plasmonic structuresFinite-Difference Time-Domain, FDTDtime-resolved fluorescence spectrometryoptical nanoantenna
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  • 評分評分:*****
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奈米光學為現代光學中的一個重要領域。由於現代各項奈米技術的發展,使得光學系統所能量測的尺度能夠超越繞射極限的限制。奈米光學涉及了關於奈米結構的設計製作與應用,以將可見光聚焦在繞射及限之下奈米級空間範圍內。最大的特點是光場的頻率高至可見光頻段而空間分布則可限縮於小於繞射極限的範圍內,這除可大幅提高光與物質作用的強度之外,亦提供操控光物理與光化學反應的可能性。因此,奈米光學的重要性不僅在於克服繞射極限的限制,還可將光學元件的檢測極限和靈敏度大幅提高,甚至達到偵測單分子的靈敏度。經過良好設計的共振電漿奈米結構,具有類似天線之功能,透過局域性表面電漿共振可將遠場自由傳的電磁波轉為高增益的近場光能量,因此電漿奈米結構周圍之光近場強度可大幅增強至非聚焦光的1000倍以上。利用此局域性光近場,功能性電漿奈米結構附近的物質可以有效地與光相互作用。在本論文中,將介紹與電漿奈米光學相關的幾個研究課題。特別地,本論文研究了電漿奈米結構如何有效地增強光與物質之間的交互作用,以及從自由傳遞的光波耦合進入表面電漿共振的機制。第一章為電漿奈米光學的概述和簡介,其餘章節則為本人博士期間的幾項重要研究題目,略述如下。第二章探討電漿奈米結構輻射和非輻射本徵模態控制下的雙光子發光光譜。電漿金奈米天線可以在受激共振的狀態下,產生強烈的非極化雙光子光致發光現象和單光子光致發光現象,可作為奈米天線本徵模研究的理想局部寬帶光子源。在本章中,我們將雙光子光致發光光譜與暗場散射光譜和數值模擬光譜相比,針對不同長度的金奈米天線進行了全面性的討論和仔細研究。而從這些證據光譜中,我們可發現亞輻射的反鍵結本徵模式以及超輻射鍵結本徵模式各別地導致了雙光子光致發光的抑制以及增強現象。後續我們利用了單光子光致發光模式的相似光學特性,將其應用於八木宇田電漿奈米天線和寬帶的對數週期型天線上,首次產生可見光頻段的寬頻指向性輻射。在第三章中,我們製作具有次波長模態轉換器的電漿奈米電路,首次實現在高頻電漿雙線傳輸線路中選擇性的模態轉換,可用於選擇適合光與物質相互作用的反對稱模態式或具有較長傳播長度的對稱模態。在第四章中,我們提出了二維電漿都卜勒光柵並展示其應用。電漿都卜勒光柵擁為一寬頻且具有方位角解析的奈米光學應用平台。都卜勒光柵的特點是容易設計與製作,並可任意選擇工作波長範圍及執行單波長光譜分析。我們實際漿二維電漿都卜勒光柵運用到環境折射率偵測與氫氣的感測上。第五章闡述了自組裝智能電漿奈米粒子氫氣感測器。在這項工作裡,我們展示了化學合成的雙金屬奈米結構,金-鈀-金奈米結構,用金屬-金屬-金屬電漿奈米結構作為奈米級的感應探針,其中感測層以鈀金屬作為核心,並用雙層金天線作為框架,以增強對氫氣感測的效果。此奈米粒子的導電間隙層鈀能吸附氫氣並導致材料特性改變,進而引起了電荷轉移電漿效應,因此增強了氫氣感測的靈敏度。最後在第六章中,我們提出了有關於二維的二硫化鎢材料谷極化(Valley polarization)激發光研究。我們利用能量略低於能帶隙的激發光,有效地抑制激發電子的隨機重新分佈,從而大大提高在室溫下的高谷極化率。以上的研究方向,無論是奈米天線的特性本徵模態共振行為影響其單光子或雙光子光致放光現象以及延伸的電漿子電路系統與模態轉換器,或者是利用都卜勒效應製作出來二維平面角解析的電漿應用光柵,抑或是化學合成出的智慧電漿奈米感測探針,都是目前屬於奈米光學-表面電漿共振的研究領域,該領域不僅在光學上有了豐碩的成果,更在其他生醫感測、化學催化等應用科學領域中,也佔有一席之地。此外以過渡金屬硫化物的二維谷極化材料,因具有極特殊光學特性,近年來亦成為熱門研究領域。近年來奈米光學隨著奈米製程技術、光學量測技術及電腦數值模擬的成熟與推進而蓬勃發展,前人的步步腳印使得光世代的未來科技能夠完善,希望本博士論文內的工作,能對基礎科學研究及人類未來的便利生活有所貢獻。
Nano-optics is an important field in modern optics. Nano-optics involves the use of nanostructures to focus electromagnetic field in the optical frequency range on the nanometer scale, where the dimension of the optical field is less than the diffraction limit. Nano-optics overcomes the limitations of the diffraction limit and increases the detection limits and the sensitivity of optical measurement to the level of a single molecule. The near-field enhancement of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) around plasmonic nanostructures is 1000 times more effective than non-concentrated light. In a localized optical near-field, matter in the vicinity of the functional plasmonic nanostructures can interact strongly with light.
This study involves several research topics that are related to plasmonic nano-optics. The ways in which plasmonic nanostructures enhance the interaction between light and matter and the mechanism for the coupling of light to plasmonic resonances are studied. Chapter 1 gives an overview of and a brief introduction to plasmonic nano-optics. In the following chapters, several research topics are described in detail.
In chapter 2, it is demonstrated that the resonance mode of a nanoantenna can shape the spectrum of the photoluminescence. The modulation of two-photon photoluminescence (TPPL) and single-photon photoluminescence (SPPL) by the resonance mode of the nanoantennas, including the super-radian mode, the sub-radian mode and higher order modes, is also demonstrated. It is shown that SPPL can serve as an ideal local broadband source to drive a directional nanoantenna.
In chapter 3, a plasmonic nanocircuit with a mode converter is used to convert the antisymmetric mode for light-matter interaction to and the symmetric mode for power delivery. This plasmonic transmission line and mode converter is a novel addition for future optical nanocircuits.
Chapter 4 details the design, fabrication, characterization and applications of two-dimensional plasmonic Doppler gratings (PDGs). PDGs is a 2D platform with broadband and manipulates resonance that depends on the azimuthal angle. PDGs can be easily designed and fabricated to fit the spectral window of interest. Application of PDGs as a powerful 2D platform for multi-color spectroscopy are demonstrated. The use of PDGs’ for index sensing is also demonstrated.
In chapter 5, the use of a Au-Pd-Au nanobrick for hydrogen sensing is demonstrated. The metal-metal-metal (MMM) structure of these nanobricks serves as an ultrasensitive nanoscale probe for hydrogen gas. The sensing mechanism works by turning the sandwiched layer Pd layer into Pd-H when hydrogen is absorbed. The material in the gap between the two gold layers changes lead to the charge-transfer plasmons (CTPs) are created. This increases the sensitivity of the nanobrick to hydrogen.
Chapter 6 presents a study on the valley polarization of the emission from two-dimensional Tungsten disulfide (WS2) materials. It is shown that excitation with energy that is slightly below the bandgap for multi-valleyed transition metal chalcogenides prevents the random redistribution of excited electrons and thereby greatly increases valley polarization at room temperature.
With the development of nano-technologies, optical measurement methods, numerical simulation methods and nanooptics become an emerging field and nanoscale and subwavelength footprints are possible. In recent years, the field of nano-optics has benefitted from increasing maturity of nanotechnology, modern microscopy and computer-numerical simulation. The pace of advances means that light generation has been perfected. It is the author’s hope that the work in this doctoral thesis will contribute to scientific research and the betterment of human life in the future.
中文摘要 2
Paper List 6
Contents 8
Table captions 11
Figure captions 12
Chapter 1 Introduction 24
1. Nanooptics and the history of the surface plasmon 24
2. Theory of plasmonics 27
3. Application of nano-optoelectronics 32
4. Typical optical setup in plasmonics 36
4.1 Dark-field scattering microscopy for a scattering spectrum 36
4.2 Confocal microscope for PL spectrum 37
Reference 40
Chapter 2 The Effect of Gold Nanoantenna Surface Plasmon Resonances on Photoluminescence 46
1. Introduction 46
1.1 Plasmonic optical nanoantenna 46
1.2 Single photon photoluminescence of gold nanostructures 47
1.3 Two photon photoluminescence in gold nanostructures 50
1.4 Photoluminescence via a nanoantenna’s plasmonic eigenmodes 51
1.5 Directional emission of nanoantenna 53
2. Results and discussion 55
2.1 Fabrication of nanostructures 55
2.2 The effect of resonance eigenmodes on the TPPL emission spectra 60
2.3 Effect of resonance modes on the excitation efficiency of the TPPL 65
2.4 Effect of a single gold nanorod on the SPPL excitation and emission spectra 66
2.5 SPPL driven Yagi-Uda antenna and Log-periodic antenna 71
3. Conclusion 75
Reference 77
Chapter 3 The promotion of a highly efficient light-matter interaction using a mode convertor that works in plasmonic optical nanocircuits 81
1. Introduction 81
1.1 Plasmonic waveguides 81
1.2 The modes in a two-wire transmission line 81
2. Results and discussion 82
3. Experimental details 90
3.1 Fabrication of the TWTL 90
3.2 Optical setup 90
4. Conclusion 98
Reference 100
Chapter 4 A Plasmonic Doppler Grating as an Azimuthal Angle-resolved Platform for Nanophotonic Applications 103
1. Introduction 103
1.1 Surface plasmon coupled grating surfaces 103
1.1 Plasmonic gratings for sensing 105
2. Experimental 106
2.1 Design and features of the PDG 106
2.2 Fabrication of a PDG 109
2.3 Optical characterization of a PDG 110
2.4 Numerical simulations for the PDG 112
3. Results and discussion 112
3.1 Optical response of a PDG 113
3.2 Color sorting using a PDG 119
3.3 Quantitative analysis of the azimuthal intensity distribution 122
3.4 Refractive index sensing using a PDG 123
3.5 Image Analysis and Fitting of the Intensity Profile 128
4. Conclusion 132
Reference 134
Chapter 5 The use of Bimetallic Au-Pd-Au Nanobricks for intra-particle Plasmon Coupling to allow Enhanced Hydrogen Sensing 139
1. Introduction 139
2. Experimental section 141
2.1 Synthesis and characterization of Au-Pd-Au nanobricks 141
2.2 Optical sensing of hydrogen gas. 148
2.3 FDTD simulation. 151
3. Results and discussion 152
4. Conclusion 159
Reference 160
Chapter 6 Robust valley polarization at room temperature in monolayer and bilayer WS2 163
1. Introduction 163
2. Experimental section 166
2.1 CVD synthesis of WS2 166
2.2 Measurement of polarization at room temperature 167
3. Results and Discussion 169
4. Conclusion 187
Reference 189
Conclusion 193

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