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作者(外文):Chen, Han-De
論文名稱(外文):Atomic Structure of Silicon and Germanium Adsorption and Films on the Ag(111), Au(111), and Al(111) surfaces
指導教授(外文):Lin, Deng-Sung
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Pin-Jui
Jeng, Horng-Tay
Chueh, Yu-Lun
Chen, Chia-Hao
Lin, Chun-Liang
外文關鍵詞:silicene2D materialsSTM銀(111)鋁(111)金(111)
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:151
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:6
  • 收藏收藏:0
Silicene, with the atomic and electronic structure akin to that of graphene, has attracted much interest in recent years. So far, silicene can only be synthesized artificially on a few substrates which are mostly metals. However, the electron band hybridization between silicene and substrates affects the fascinating electronic properties. Therefore growing near free-standing silicene is always one of the important issues. Recently, the heterostructure of two-dimensional (2D) materials induces much attention. The single layer structure leads to two kinds of heterojunction, vertical and lateral. Both of them provides interesting properties of physics.
In this thesis, with silicene as a basic material, the similar 2D material germanene is chosen to synthesize the heterostructure. The idea is trying to study the intrinsic electronic properties of silicene and germanene on the vertical heterojunction and the strained interface which is caused by the lattice mismatch on the lateral heterojunction. The growth of vertical and lateral silicene-germanene heterostructure was carried out by different growth conditions. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is exploited to measure the surface.
To synthesize the heterostructure of silicene-germanene, three different substrates were exploited. There have been plenty of researches of the silicene/Ag(111) system. In the experiments, the structure of multilayer silicon on the Ag(111) was investigated. The reconstruction which was induced by the adsorption of atomic deuterium leads to the conclusion that the multilayer silicon on the Ag(111) surface is Si(111) film instead of multilayer silicene. On the monolayer silicene/Ag(111), the Ge only reveals ordered adsorption pattern and no germanene is observed. The deposition of Si on the other two substrates, Al(111) and Au(111), reveal ordered structure but not honeycomb. After detailed examination concludes these ordered structures are surface alloy.
Chapter 1 Introduction..........................................1
1.1 Graphene and Xenes.......................................1
1.2 Silicene.................................................4
1.3 Literature Review..........................................6
1.3.1 Silicon Growth at Two-Dimensional Limit on Ag(111).......6
1.3.2 Graphene−Silicon Heterostructures at the Two-Dimensional
1.3.3 Compelling experimental evidence of a Dirac cone in the
electronic structure of a 2D Silicon layer..............14
Chapter 2 Experimental Apparatus and Methods...................19
2.1 Ultra-High Vacuum..........................................19
2.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy.............21
2.3 Experimental Details.......................................27
Chapter 3 Few-Layer Silicon Films on the Ag(111) Surface........29
3.1 Introduction of Multilayer Si/Ag(111)......................29
3.2 Results and Discussion.....................................31
3.3 Conclusions................................................39
Chapter 4 Ordered 2D Structure Formed upon the Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Ge on the Silicene/Ag(111) Surface............40
4.1 Introduction...............................................40
4.2 Results and Discussion.....................................42
4.3 Conclusions................................................51
Chapter 5 Self-Assemble of Si-Al Surface Alloy.................52
5.1 Introduction...............................................52
5.2 Results and Discussion.....................................54
5.3 Conclusions................................................70
Chapter 6 Formation of Eutectic Alloy - Si Deposition on The Au(111) Surface.........................................................71
6.1 Introduction...............................................71
6.2 Results and Discussion.....................................73
6.3 Conclusions................................................84
Chapter 7 Conclusions...........................................85
7.1 Conclusions................................................85
7.2 Outlook and Future Works...................................87
Appendix: Personal C.V..........................................93
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