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作者(外文):Lin, Wei-Ruei.
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and Characterization of Backscattered Electron Detector for Desktop Scanning Electron Microscopy
指導教授(外文):Chen, Fu-Rong
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Fan-Gang
Su, Hung-I
Chuang, Yun-Ju
Yin, Gung-Chian
外文關鍵詞:Backscattered Electron DetectorScanning Electron MicroscopyDesktop Scanning Electron Microscopy
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:199
  • 評分評分:*****
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The multi-annular backscattered electron detector (BSED) proposed in this thesis has been developed so that collecting BSEs is already suitable for the display of Z-contrast as well as surface topography. Compared with the traditional multi-fan shaped BSED, the BSED proposed in this thesis can provide better performance. The detector is set in the Scanning Electron Microscope and it can collect the backscattered electrons and produce the signals during operation.
Besides, this research using the lateral P-N junctions to enhance the sensitivity of the detector and using the Al grids to improve the collecting efficiency for fabricating a high sensitivity and high collecting efficiency backscattered electron detector.
Nowadays, many researches use low energy electron beam to scan the samples to reduce the radiation damage to the samples. The structure of the lateral P-N junctions can make the depletion region extend to the surface of the active areas and increasing the sensitivity of the detector for low energy detection. The Al grids can increase the areas of the Al electrodes which contact on the active areas. This structure can reduce the series resistance. Therefore, the electron-hole pairs produced from the active areas can be collected by the Al electrodes more easily and improve the collecting efficiency of the detector.
After fabricating the BSED, the I-V curve and the dark current of the detector are measured to ensure its basic electric properties. The test results show that the new BSED has better collecting efficiency and atomic number sensitivity than the homemade multi-annular BSED.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
總目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 1
第二章 掃描式電子顯微鏡及半導體物理原理 3
2.1掃描式電子顯微鏡之發展 3
2.2掃描式電子顯微鏡之原理 3
2.3電子束與物質作用 4
2.3.1二次電子 5
2.3.2 背向散射電子 6
2.3.3 特徵X光 8
2.4電子能譜圖 8
2.5偵檢器系統 9
2.6背向散射電子偵檢器之分類 10
2.6.1 E-T偵檢器 10
2.6.2閃爍背向散射電子偵檢器 11
2.6.3固態背向散射電子偵檢器 12
2.7 背向散射電子的應用 13
2.8文獻回顧 17
2.9背向散射電子半導體偵檢器(Backscattered Electron Semiconductor Detectors) 25
2.9.1 空乏區(Depletion Region) 25
2.9.2 游離能(Ionization Energy, Ei) 27
2.9.3 效率(Efficiency, εBS) 28
2.9.4 反應時間(Response Time) 31
2.9.5 雜訊(Noise) 31
第三章 背向散射電子偵檢器之設計與製程 34
3.1背向散射電子偵檢器之設計與製程 34
3.1.1 基材晶圓選擇 36
3.1.2 離子佈植參數 39
3.1.3光罩設計 43
3.1.4鋁接線 47
3.2背向散射電子偵檢器之製程 49
3.2.1黃光微影(Lithography) 51
3.2.2二氧化矽蝕刻(Silicon Dioxide Etching) 53
3.2.3離子佈植(Ion implantation) 54
3.2.4快速熱退火(Rapid Thermal Annealing, RTA) 55
3.2.5濺鍍(Sputtered) 56
3.2.6鋁蝕刻(Aluminum Etching) 56
3.2.7打線接合(Wire Bonding, WB) 57
第四章 背向散射電子偵檢器理論計算與量測 58
4.1晶片測試之規劃 58
4.2理論計算 58
4.3電流-電壓曲線圖 59
4.4背向散射電子偵檢器角度計算 63
4.5偵檢器之表面形貌對比 64
4.6 原子序敏感度 69
4.7 偵檢器之增益值 73
4.8影像測試結果 77
第五章 結果結論 81
5.1結論 81
參考文獻 83

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