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作者(外文):Wang, Ting-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Transition Metal Catalyzed C–H Bond Transformation of Heteroarenes for Molecular Synthesis
指導教授(外文):Ong, Tiow-Gan
Wang, Pen-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Ji-Yen
Tsai, Fu-Yu
Kuo, Chun-Hong
Chen, Hsin-Yi
外文關鍵詞:organometalliccatalysisC–H bond activation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:88
  • 評分評分:*****
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Transition metal mediated C–H functionalization is a powerful and efficient way to synthesize organic compounds in the fields of drug development, bioactive natural products to optoelectronic materials and so on. This methodology is perceived as greener synthetic strategy, because of its atomic- and step-economy in terms of managing chemical resource and waste. This thesis focuses on the development of a new chemistry related to catalytic C–H bond activation promoted by transition metal.
Chapter I introduces the catalytic C–H bond activation, including the historical perspective, chemical principle, reactivity classifications and applications. The ligand’s science is also discussed, as the ligand plays a critical role in modulating the kinetically demanding step: C–H bond transformation.
Chapter II shows the development of an efficient Pd-catalyzed cross-dehydrogenative coupling of heteroarenes with styrenes and other olefinic substrates. This alkenylation paradigm encompasses a wide range of substrate scopes and provides a straightforward approach toward C2-E-alkenylated azole motifs.
Chapter III unravels the ruthenium-promoted prototype reaction based on C(sp2)–C(sp3) bond formation through the regioselective C–H activation of isoquinoline and pyridine derivatives with various alkyl halides, leading to 1-substituted isoquinoline products without relying on any chelation assistances. Simultaneously, this system is also able to chemically tune the reaction mode to dearomatization by adding water, leading to isoquinolones in one single step.
Chapter IV describes a Ni-catalyzed switchable hydroheteroarylation of cyclic dienes via C–H bond activation of heteroarenes. In the presence of an NHC ligand, hydroheteroarylation of cyclic diene with azole affords α-alkenyl-azole, forging a Heck-like product without using any external oxidant. Conversely, changing the ligand to PCy3 would switch this reaction manifold to afford the other isomeric β-alkenyl substituted azole.
Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iii
List if Schemes vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Abbreviations xii
List of Publications xv

Chapter I: Introduction
Introduction of Catalysis 3
Introduction of C–H activation 7
Introduction of Ligands 12
References 18

Chapter II: Ligand-promoted Pd-catalyzed Dehydrogenative Alkenylation of Hetereoarenes
Introduction and Motivation 25
Results and Discussion 28
Conclusion 36
Experimental Section 37
Spectroscopic Data 40
References 56

Chapter III: Ruthenium-catalyzed Dual Catalytic Reactions of Isoquinoline via C–H Activation and Dearomatization for Isoquinolone
Introduction and Motivation 65
Results and Discussion 69
Conclusion 82
Experimental Section 83
Spectroscopic Data 87
References 116

Chapter IV: Nickel-catalyzed Switchable Hydroheteroarylation of Cyclodienes via C–H Bond Activation of Heteroarenes
Introduction and Motivation 125
Results and Discussion 126
Conclusion 134
Experimental Section 134
Spectroscopic Data 138
X-ray Crystallography 157
References 158

1H, 13C NMR Spectra of Chapter II 163
1H, 13C NMR Spectra of Chapter III 197
X-ray Crystallographic Data, 1H, 13C NMR Spectra of Chapter IV 253
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