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作者(外文):Lin Cheng Lung
論文名稱(外文):A taxonomic study of water mites from Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:water mitesHydracarinaHydrachnidiaHydrachnida
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1) 雄尾蟎科 (Arrenuridae)的十羽雄尾蟎 (Arrenurus decaspinosus sp. n.)、石氏雄尾蟎 (Arrenurus shih sp. n.);2) 水跑蟎科 (Hydrodromidae)的藐視水跑蟎 (Hydrodroma despiciens (Müller), 1776);3) 溼蟎科 (Hygrobatidae)的寬顎曲跗溼蟎 (Atractides giantgnathus sp. n.)、卡沙門曲跗溼蟎 (Atractides kasamaensis Imamura, 1960)、彎鉤溼蟎 (Hygrobates hamatus Viets, 1935)、乳突溼蟎 (Hygrobates papillosus Imamura, 1953)、擬乳突溼蟎 (Hygrobates parapapillosus sp. n.)、楊氏溼蟎 (Hygrobates yanga sp. n.);4) 沼蟎科 (Limnesiidae)的毒龍沼蟎 (Limnesia dulonga sp. n.)、台灣沼蟎 (Limnesia taiwania sp. n.);5) 蚌蟎科 (Unionicolidae)的粗毛紐水蟎 (Neumania macrospinosa sp. n.);6) 盾水蟎科 (Hydryphantidae)的台灣波利亞蟎 (Protzia formorsa sp. n.);7) 刺觸蟎科 (Sperchontidae)的新竹擬刺觸蟎 (Sperchonpsis hsinchus sp. n.)、內田刺觸蟎 (Sperchon uchidai Imamura, 1953);8) 急流蟎科 (Torrenticolidae)的雙毛急流蟎 (Torrenticola bispinosa sp. n.)、雙板急流蟎 (Torrenticola bitabula sp.n.)、蓋那達急流蟎 (Torrenticola gennada Cook, 1980)、寬突急流蟎 (Torrenticola rotundatusa sp. n.)、台中急流蟎 (Torrenticola taichungnia sp. n.)、蘇聯急流蟎0(Torrenticola ussuriensis (Sokolow) 194)。
From Feburary 2003 to Feburary 2004, 109 samples were collected from lentic and lotic freshwater bodies of Taiwan. There were 8 families 10 genera 21 species from 10 sites. They are 1) Arrenuridae: Arrenurus decaspinosus sp. n., Arrenurus shih sp. n.; 2) Hydrodromidae: Hydrodroma despiciens (Müller), 1776; 3) Hygrobatidae: Atractides giantgnathus sp. n., Atractides kasamaensis Imamura, 1960, Hygrobates hamatus Viets, 1935, Hygrobates papillosus Imamura, 1953, Hygrobates parapapillosus sp. n., Hygrobates yanga sp. n.; 4) Limnesiidae: Limnesia dulonga sp. n., Limnesia taiwania sp. n.; 5) Unionicolidae: Neumania macrospinosa sp. n.; 6) Hydryphantidae: Protzia formorsa sp. n.; 7) Sperchontidae: Sperchonpsis hsinchus sp. n., Sperchon uchidai Imamura, 1953; 8) Torrenticolidae: Torrenticola bispinosa sp. n., Torrenticola bitabula sp.n., Torrenticola gennada Cook, 1980, Torrenticola rotundatusa sp. n., Torrenticola taichungnia sp. n., Torrenticola ussuriensis (Sokolow) 1940.
Among the 21 species, 15 species are new species, 6 species are new records to Taiwan. Exclude Limnesia dulonga and Torrenticola bitabula were collected form lentic system, the other species were collected from lotic system.
目 錄
壹、 摘要------------------------------------------1
貳、 前言------------------------------------------3
參、 材料與方法-----------------------------------10
肆、 結果-----------------------------------------13
伍、 台灣水蟎分科檢索表---------------------------14
陸、 分類描述-------------------------------------15

5)蚌蟎科(Unionicolidae) -----------------------------29
7)刺觸蟎科(Sperchontidae) ---------------------------36

陸、 討論-----------------------------------------50
柒、 參考文獻-------------------------------------52
捌、 表-------------------------------------------56
玖、 圖-------------------------------------------58
附錄 ------------------------------------------------90
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